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~This letter is dated Year 34~

The future has many paths, and ussta have Seen them all. Dos may yet return to Udos, but only by proving dost faith once more. Dos have passed two such tests before; once at Yath'rin Zar'stra's ceremony, and once when Drak'aa was accused of heresy. Dos can survive this test also. Give dostself to the Temple of dost own accord, and face the judgement that awaits dos. Revel in the pain of malla Lloth's embrace, and through it know that dos yet live.

Only the faithful can serve Lloth. Only the faithful can serve Udos. And thus only the faithful may serve Sorcere, as dos yet wish to do. Oppose the Temple and dos will yet remain outcast; bow before it and dos may return.

Ussta await dost decision with the rest of Udos. Surrender to Lloth's judgement or be lost in the Storm of Chaos.

Bel'qualyn, Ul'faeruk of Udos

~signed and sealed with Bel'qualyn's sigil, a great Eye with a skull pupil~