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King Maxkar Delinar's reign was rife with it's own troubles. Brogendenstein, now an established Hall, began to face new challenges. Until now, there was a unity amongst the dwarves, as they had to work together to build Brogendenstein from nothing. Now that it was built, this unity began to splinter. King Delinar is recorded as the "Do Nothing King". He often would wait until the last moment, before doing something about a situation, and even then, it was seldom sufficient to solve the problem.

Arriving on the island at this time, was Hera Braidstone, the daughter of Honorus Braidstone of Mildenhaul. Young Hera was a Sonnlinor, and left Hearth and Home to find Deedle, her missing brother. Young Hera found the Halls, and was distasteful of King Delinar's methods. This came to a boiling point, when by Royal Decree, King Delinar changed a basic principal of Brogendenstein. He allowed within their gates, servants of the Black Hand of Bane.

Hera was exceedingly vocal of her mistrust in King Delinar, for which she was exiled from Brogendenstein. She moved to Cordor, to live with a young Halfling, named Sasha Silverscales. Sasha was a Waukeenar merchant, who had amassed a vast fortune.

The weight of the crown, is more than some can bear, and the Do Nothing King passed the crown to King Krimley Glimmerforge. King Glimmerforge promptly put things to rights. He recalled Hera Braidstone and instilled her as a Sonnlinor of Brogendenstein, alongside Sonnlinor Rugnan Ironbelly. King Glimmerforge reached out to the gnome, Biad Scheppen, who was then in the last days of his Mayor-ship of Bendir.

From the East, returned Gorann Bloodletter. His return was heralded and welcomed into the Halls, and by popular demand, King Glimmerforge abdicated, passing the Crown back to King Bloodletter. King Bloodletter was appauled by events in Bendir, as Mayor Scheppen was replaced by a Necromancer-Lich Sadamara, who promptly crowned herself Queen. He was saddened, that the Earthkin Alliance had fallen apart under King Delinar's reign, though heartened at King Glimmerforge's beginnings of re-establishing relations.

With the crowning of Queen Sadamara, which King Bloodletter attended, a Hin named Feste grew distraught. He felt that he was too old to intervene, though King Bloodletter and he sat and had a discourse. King Bloodletter asked him to show the young hin the direction, rather than leave them to stumble in the darkness. So with King Bloodletter's blessing, Feste sought to rebuild the Earthkin Alliance, and looked to establish it in Cordor.

The merchant, Sasha Silverscales, welcomed Feste into her home, and funded his efforts. King Bloodletter saw much good in young Sasha. Sonnlinor Hera Braidstone, Sasha Silverscales and King Bloodletter soon became fast friends, although the two dwarves disapproved of some of Sasha's methods.

Sasha in time, was faced with her own hardships, and turned to her kin for aid. With the guidance of Sonnlinor Hera Braidstone, Sasha turned to Yondalla, and donned the robes of her clergy.

King Bloodletter and Sonnlinor Hera Braidstone, worked tirelessly with Feste, Priestess Aramentia Sendia of Yondalla, and now Sasha, to restore Bendir to its former glory. The five of them became successful, in such a way that not a single drop of Earthkin blood was spilled over the conflict. Priestess Aramentia Sendia became Mayor of Bendir, and tradition began to flourish there once more.

King Bloodletter then turned his attention to his own Halls once more, and began to match the Halflings for their desire of tradition. He reformed the Militia, building a system based on merits and ability. He redesigned the Temple, and named Sonnlinor Hera Braidstone High Sonnlinor of Brogendenstein. He worked with King Trintiren Elraiendel of Myon, and the two worked past their differences, and began to work together as allies and friends.

King Bloodletter and High Sonnlinor Hera Braidstone began to court one another, which sparked much celebration in the Halls. The Golden Halls of Brogendenstein flourished, Dwarven numbers expanded swiftly, and the Halls became too crowded. Dwarves began to live in Cordor, in Bendir, in Guldorand. All hailed the King, and King Bloodletter worked tirelessly to ensure they had all that they required.

King Bloodletter worked with Mayor Aramentia Sendia and Sasha Silverscales-Dizonne, and together they forged the Stone Alliance, binding Brogendenstein and Bendir closer together with mutual promises. These documents are on display in Bendir, and have been since the day they were signed.

The events surrounding their capture is unknown, but High Sonnlinor Hera Braidstone, her older brother, Pathfinder Deedle Braidstone and King Gorann Bloodletter went missing. They were captured by a wicked Beholder, who dragged them into the Underdark, and held them captive for a long period of time.

In the absence of the King, Sonnlinor Rugnan Ironbelly stepped forward, serving as a Regent during his absence. Regent Ironbelly served honorably in the absence of the King. It was unclear to him, the fate of the King, and he grew distraught. None-the-less, he did everything he could to hold the Halls together, which he did quite well. The influence of the Halls diminished, their hold on their vassal Guldorand lessened, as Banites and other fouls took control and waged war on Brogendenstein.