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(Curator's Note: This manifesto was distributed within Cordor in the late 100s AR, immediately after the banishment of the inhabitants of Sencliff from Cordor.)

Good day, Cordor. I am Count Rosenkranz III, Chaplain of the Reformed Church of Bane (Minmir Sect), and I serve my suzerain lord, Duchess Ann I of Sencliff of the House of Thrule. I am writing here today on behalf of the Duchess, to offer our reply to your challenge.

You think you can destroy us, hold us at bay like a guttering candle against the dark. You think you can banish us, but even as you read these words it is evident that our hands will not be bound by petty shackles. You hide behind laws, walls and words so weak that their replacement is an inevitability. Every citizen and friend of Cordor who is hurt, afraid, or dead as a result of our responses is a direct challenge to the viability of your rule.

When the majority of our members cannot roam freely, you will claim victory, when all you have done is glimpsed the End from a window and closed the curtains. You claim to be the "good of the isle", united and together. As if you cast a light to rival that at Benwick. You need not follow the metaphor long to realise that the brightest light often casts the darkest shadow. Sencliff is not a guild of thieves to be outlawed, anarchists to be killed, or rebels to be suppressed. Sencliff is not the sum of its people or its leaders.

Sencliff is an idea.

Sencliff is a parallel society to your own fading, diseased one; we will peel back the scabrous bandages barely concealing your wounds, and let them fester and rot for the world to see. Your self-righteous, hypocritical persecution of warlocks, necromancers, the outcasts, those who never fit in, while tolerating worse individuals that are useful to you is a shameful display of your lack of conviction.

If you live to expose the truth of this island and its self-proclaimed custodians and guardians, then consider this a call to arms. We invite those who see the rotten core behind the gleaming facade to join us in tearing it down and building something true, something great, something better upon the ashes.