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Traditionally there are two types of elders.

Honorary Elders are hin who have wed other hin in a traditional marriage. Please note that a marriage is not the same as a hand fasting. I always recommend hand fasting for several years before deciding on a full marriage.

Elders are the hin who have been a pillar of the community for many years. Who have shown a desire to aid the Dale and work toward it's well being. They are usually traditionally married but there are rare occasions where non-wed hin have been granted the title Elder due to exceptional service.

The term Venerated Elder is a relatively new addition to the hinnish tradition. It came from a need to further separate the Honorary Elder from the Elder in an effort to simplify the titles and not spread confusion.

At the time there was a non wed hin with a history of causing chaos in the Dale claiming to be an Elder. While the Elders at the time attempted to work with the hin, an agreement could not be reached and the populace was becoming confused and frustrated.

The hin later claimed to have wed in a private ceremony. The Elders of the time did not feel a full title of Elder had yet been earned thus the term Venerated was formed.

Becoming an Elder:

The title Elder is granted by the current Elders via nomination and vote.

It has come to my attention that this tradition was not well known or advertised.

The community as a whole may nominate Elders. They may do so individually or they may hold a vote and submit the name(s) decided upon to the current Elders for consideration.

The current Elders then evaluate the nominated individual and decide yay or nay. The individual is examined using the same criteria that the Elders themselves were subject to. The Elders may hold a meeting and speak with the nominated for further insight.

Removal of an Elder:

This is something that is never done lightly.

If an Elder is consistently acting against the well being of the Dale they are subject to removal but that is never the first choice.

They have to have repeatedly shown an instability or unwillingness to do what is expected of them as Elder. Complaints lodged against them will be reviewed and considered.

The Elder is spoken with and given multiple chances. They are given guidance by the other Elders and steps to take in an attempt to correct the issue and prove themselves. They were chosen as an Elder for a reason. They are given every opportunity to show that original faith was not misplaced.

Removal as Elder does not bar one from becoming Elder again. They will be subject to the same vetting process and vote as any newly nominated.

Elder Council:

Many years ago there was a write up on the various councils that advised the mayor and aided the Dale.

That write up was updated with the addition of the Alderkin title and the expansion of the term Elder to other earthkin.

The pages have been removed from the Gathering Hall but I still maintain a copy for reference and replacing.

The Elder council obviously consisted of Elders. They nominated one of their own to be the Voice of the council. The Voice's job was to attend the Mayor's council meetings and speak on behalf of the Elder Council.

The Mayor's council consisted of the Voice, the Alderkin, Hawk'in command and any other councilors the Mayor may wish to invite, within reason.

Elder duties and responsibilities:

Elders are meant to be approachable by any kin and are expected to show an honest desire to aid by listening, advising and providing guidance to the best of their ability.

Elders can be used for various social and civil issues. They are commonly used to settle personal disputes between two agreeable parties. They can also be used in a legal capacity for trials or smaller legal matters.

As Elders are trusted members of the society they are also entrusted with the well being of the Dale as a whole.

They come from both military and political backgrounds and understand how each work. They are the emergency defense of the Dale in an urgent situation. They have the power to exile and remove housing and shops but only on a temporary basis pending the review of the appropriate officials.

Because of their expertise and experience they can perform other roles within the government depending on what is required.

As the community has evolved and embraced their earthkin cousins the Elder titles have expanded to more than just the traditional hin.

Due to the wishes of the Dale, these traditions now apply to the earthkin who call the Dale home as well.

I can not speak to the traditions of non-hin when it comes to naming their Elders. The 'Elders' referred to within the above information refers solely to the Elders of the Dale.

While written from the traditional perspective of a hin and referring to hinnish Elders, those chosen as Elders for the Dale are Elders for all earthkin who reside in the Dale.

an etching of a barefoot print

Venerated Elder Andriarna Dirtytoes

Addendum: The community will decide as they wish but I point out that we are not Lurien nor are we on the mainland. We are our own community and have had established traditions of our own.

Not to say the Luric traditions are any better or worse, they are just different than the ones that were in place long before even my arrival.