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The Kingless Years of Impiltur I

Few know of Impiltur, what other nations call the 'Forgotten Kingdom,' yet it is a nation rich with history, and to this day, remains the only standing Triadic state. The country has a history of paladin-kings, and monarchs of the Light.

But men are still men, faltering in the confrontation of daemons and worse.What marks one of the darkest times in the history of Impiltur is a span of a hundred and seventy-five years when the nation had no king, no queen - no leader.

In the year 926 DR, the great succubus Soneillion sinks the ship Nadyra~s Glory, which carried Princess Aliia of Old Impiltur on her way to be betrothed. With her death, fell the line of Elethlim, one of the greatest dynasties in all of Impiltur.

With her death, and the line of Elethlim diminished, Impiltur is without a leader. Baronies faction themselves off; weak, scattered and divided. Threats of hobgoblins in the Earthspur and demons in the Rawlinswood do not diminish.

Impiltur suffers poverty, famine and chaos. For nigh two hundred years things are grim and dark, a long shadow drew over the length of the nation.

Nelehein, 70 AR