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Brogendenstein's role in the defeat of the Demilich Ophelia

The first page of this thick book is blank, except for the drawing in ink of the Clan Schelen insignia, a hammer and anvil below the outline of a mountain range. Above this symbol, Archamus Schelen is written in Dethek runes.

The second page has the following written on it: Second Edition, published by the Dominion of Brogendenstein in Nightal of year 165 AR, authored by Archamus of clan Schelen and Hala of clan Runebraid. The following book is the result of a year long research taken by the two aforementioned authors, where over fifteen individuals were interviewed.


CH.I The state of the Dominion of Brogendenstein from the coronation of Thane Falgrim of clan Vintergard to the commencement of the War against Ophelia

CH.II Causes of the War - The Fall of Light Keep - The passing of Mila Brown

CH.III War is begun - First Battle of Benwick - Allies of Convenience - Second Battle of Benwick

CH.IV Camp Young - Raid on the Arcane Tower - Battle of Brogendenstein's Gates

CH.V Battle on the Weatherstone - Third and Final Battle of Benwick


The state of the Dominion of Brogendenstein from the coronation of Thane Falgrim of clan Vintergard to the commencement of the War against Ophelia.

I, Scribe Archamus of clan Schelen of Brogendenstein, and Hala of clan Runebraid, wrote this history of the war of 164 AR between the Axehold Accords and the forces of the Twisted Rune, them primarily under the command of the Demilich Ophelia. I decided to write it as it is my belief that this was a great war and more worthy of a relation than any that had preceded it for decades.

This belief is not without grounds, as there was nothing on such a great scale, either in war or in other matters, for more than half a century, except perhaps the Spriggan War, itself a common subject for books, tales and songs. Before I start with the war itself, the situation of the isle and of the Dominion must be detailed, ere the intricacies of the story will be lost to all but to those who were there in flesh and body.

Falgrim was made Thane in year 146, by Arelith Reckoning, and though he was near unanimously supported by all dwarves of Brogendenstein, he certainly had a heavy burden on his shoulders: to take the lead on the wake of Thane Ghestaldt of clan Blimth's rulership. Ghestald's deeds were many, such as rescuing the Crown of Umbrick Halls and settling the grudge of King Belrun Battlehammer.

The Dominion rose in his time to become the leading settlement of the isle, having Guldorand under Mayor Hilda, Darrowdeep under Krogan Ironaxe - and later under Lady Ghestelle - and the Great Grotto as vassals, while Bendir Dale was a close ally. Falgrim was not without experience however, as he had been Warden of the Kuldarn for two decades beforehand, being Ghestaldt's right arm for most, if not all, of his reign.

The final years of Ghestaldt's rulership were marked by open war against cyricists and allies led by Ezra and Vance Gravelle, them operating out of Andunor. The scale, the duration and the blood shed during this war surpassed that of all wars since the Spriggan war, almost two decades prior. Warden Falgrim more often than not took command of all forces in the battles, ensuring decisive victories such as the assault upon the Middle Dark Outpost.

The many victories of the Dominion forces - which by this time included Guldorand and Darrowdeep - alongside primarily Bendir Dale, had severe effects upon their enemies: the cyricists took to infighting, and Vance Gravelle assassinated Ezra. This effectively began a second phase of this war, one that was more active on the surface as the enemies of the Dominion sought to turn the tide. Minmir and the surrounding regions were the main battleground, though several skirmishes happened in the appropriately named Red Dragon Island.

Though the Dominion suffered some defeats, such as the battle in Minmir Bridge, they and their allies were victorious, Vance's efforts halted and a full assault on Andunor and the Sharps ending successfully for Brogendenstein and Bendir Dale, more than fifty slaves being rescued and brought to the Golden Halls. All of these were again led by Warden Falgrim, even in the cases where Thane Ghestaldt deployed to the field of battle as well. Indeed, even in the events regarding the rescuing of the Crown of Umbrick Halls Falgrim had taken the lead in the field, and it was he that discovered that there was a trail that allowed them to follow the footsteps of King Belrun Battlehammer.

Thus the succession of power in Brogendenstein was mostly uneventful, when it comes to opposition and political squabbles. Falgrim's rule was, and is, a continuity from Ghestaldt's. However, the context had changed. Guldorand, under Mayor Alice Highfen, had been freed by Thane Ghestaldt after the war against the Cyricists, whilst the Watchtower of the Dark Spires was lost.

Still, the power of the Dominion was stronger than before, as Darrowdeep, then under Lady Igogh and Lord Eirik, became the main vassal of Brogendenstein, and their numbers increased tenfold, in addition to an already strong Kuldarn under Warden Demetrius of clan Herhtov and Warden's Second Kimli of clan Schelen. The situation that had changed was that open war had been won, and though Falgrim was very experienced in leading a war, he was still untested in leading Brogendenstein in times of relative peace.

I say relative, because the Kuldarn and the Dominion as a whole remained vigilant as always. But unlike periods of the previous war where Brogendenstein was itself assaulted or had to react to enemy movements, the Golden Halls mainly took offensive actions, such as the attack led by Lord Eirik on the island of Sencliff or the assault on Benwick, both in year 147.

To make things more difficult, his first years of rule were marked by changes in important positions in Brogendenstein and in the Dominion. First, Warden Demetrius left the isle in year 147, and his successor, Warden Furin of clan Shieldhammer, died peacefully shortly after, Kimli of clan Schelen being made Warden in year 148. This year also marked the departure from the isle for both Lady Igogh and Lord Eirik, Saelynn becoming Lady of Darrowdeep.

Despite this instability, Falgrim was proving once more that Ghestaldt's trust in him was not misplaced. Brogendenstein prospered and he captained the Dominion with efficiency. This he did not do by himself, of course, as Purser Greydda of clan Stonehammer, Overseer Singrun of clan Hallowed-Candles, High Sonnlinor Urist of clan Hallowed-Candles, and Warden Kimli of clan Schelen, amongst many others, last but not least Elders Balund of clan Ironhelm, Naly of clan Vintergard and Philburt of clan Phrumplestone, assisted him greatly.

The Axehold Accords was born in the year 148. Instead of Ghestaldt's relatively expansionist policies, Falgrim took to diplomacy, a firm alliance being struck between Bendir Dale, Guldorand, the Arcane Tower Conclave and the Dominion of Brogendenstein, including its vassals such as Darrowdeep. The target of that alliance being the denizens of Andunor and other evil factions of the isle.

By year 149, the main enemy of Brogendenstein, and indeed the Accords, was the Minmir Cult of Banites, attempting to control the Nexus Falls and the Minmir Bridge. Cordor and Myon pledged their neutrality at first, but both would join forces with the Banites, and indeed Cordor's entire army was deployed alongside the cultists in Minmir, near the southern border of Brogendenstein. The Accords' met them in a pitched battle under the command of Kuldarn Gotriik of clan Vintergard, and not only were the banites soundly defeated, but both the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of Cordor were put down.

This war was short lived, no other main engagement happening as the Accords' might was a step above the capabilities of Myon and Cordor, and a ceasefire was struck tendays later. All Brogendenstein's demands were accepted, including both Cordor and Myon acknowledging the territory from the dam in the Nexus Falls to the Thousand Stairs as Dominion lands.

Having been shown the error of their ways, Cordor would come to join the Axehold Accords themselves. many chancellors later. From year 150 onwards, many important events came to happen, such as Brogendenstein winning the Skaljard Cup of 151 and defeating the Dreadnought, the War with the Queen of Mourn, battles against the Sencliff pirate Greywolf, and others, but they shall be given their own books.

All that was detailed in here is, in one way or another, important for a full understanding of the War of 164 AR. Suffice to say that a certain stability was gained after this Accords - Cordor, Myon and Banites war, with the Accords being the victorious party and achieving hegemony on the isle. Since Cordor has itself joined the Accords, Myon has been further isolated, and as all political units that fall into oblivion, it has not played any great role in the matters of importance in the isle of Arelith. With regards to the Dominion of Brogendenstein, the main thing of note is that Darrowdeep was lost - peacefully - to Cordor a few years before the War of 164.

The Order of the White Stag, which was operating from the keep, relocated to Brogendenstein. In return, Castle Gloom in the Lowland Peninsula was conquered by the Dominion, and Iron Lord Grenfeld Treespeaker, a samman, took command of it as a vassal to Thane Falgrim.

Having now given the result of my inquiries into earlier times, I grant that there will be a difficulty in believing every particular detail. The way that most individuals deal with traditions, even traditions of their own country, is to receive them all alike as they are delivered, without applying any critical test whatever.

Thus, the general Brogendenstein public, or indeed of Arelith as a whole, fancy that the succession from Thane Ghestaldt to Thane Falgrim was unquestioned by every single samman, not knowing that on the days following Thane Ghestaldt's death Elder Doili of clan Troff sought to become Regent of Brogendenstein, claiming that tradition withheld regency for Elders after a sudden demise of a Thane, and indeed it was he that initiated the election. He was so severely opposed by the Brogendenstein Council and the Kuldarn that he removed his candidacy, and later it was he, alongside High Sonnlinor Urist, that crowned Regent Falgrim and began his Thaneship.

There are many other unfounded ideas current among Arelithians, even on matters of contemporary history, which have not been obscured by time. The War of year 164 AR against Ophelia, the greatest war since the Spriggan War almost four decades earlier, is a prime case of this, and it is my hope that after the following chapters many misjudgements shall be put to rest, in addition to many doubts being quenched.

With references to the speeches in this history, some were delivered during the war in preparation for deployment, others during the battles; some i heard myself, others i got from various quarters; it was in all cases difficult to carry them word for word in one's memory, specially mine as i reach my three hundredth winter, so my habit has been to make the speakers say what was in my opinion demanded of them by the various occasions, of course adhering as closely as possible to the general sense of what they really said.

And with reference to the narrative of events, far from permitting myself to derive it from the first source that came to hand, i did not even trust my own impressions, but it rests partly on what i saw myself, partly on what others saw for me, the accuracy of the report being always tried by the most severe and detailed tests possible.

My conclusions have cost me some labour from the want of coincidence between accounts of the same occurrences by different eye-witnesses, arising sometimes from imperfect memory, sometimes from undue partiality for one side or the other. The absence of romance in my history will, I fear, detract somewhat from its interest; but if it be judged useful by those inquirers who desire an exact knowledge of the past as an aid to the interpretation of the future, which in the course of Arelith things must resemble if it does not reflect it, I shall be content. In fine, I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment, but as a possession for all time.


Causes of the War - The Fall of Light Keep - The passing of Mila Brown

Benwick, the Light Keep, was a bastion of Light and good on the island of Arelith for the greater part of a century, the finest paladins and clerics being enrolled in its service. It was ruled by a Royal family, and they held the duty of protecting the isle and indeed Faerun against the devils of Avernus. Such was their integrity that even celestials aided them with their work. The Baator Portal most likely came before the keep, and they created the fortress around it to ensure its safety, in this realm, and also a bastion on the other side, in Avernus itself. One should note that it was a one way portal, so devils could not attack Arelith from it, and thus the Light Keep held the initiative in their war against Avernus.

However, internal strife began amongst the noble families of Benwick, and some attempted to disrupt the portal and close it all together. One devil worshipper, Jel, which was in fact Mayor, most likely of Guldorand, was keen on corrupting the Light Keep, and after conquering Sencliff, she attempted to vassalize Benwick. She was successful in her conquest of the Light Keep, and the blame was put on someone from within, one Thomas Miller being mentioned as the culprit. By this time Jel was working with a kobold infernalist, named Vippin.

As internal strife increased, due to the vassal status, and due to the plots of a number of individuals, including Jel, Vippin and Thomas Miller, the Light of the Light Keep, the Portal to Celestia, was disrupted, and the aid of the celestials was no more. At the same time, the portal to Baator was meddled with, and it became a two-way portal. This quickly set the stage for the fall of Benwick from within, and such happened quickly, the devils overrunning the Keep.

During these years there was a Ophelia Blackheart, daughter of the last Queen of Benwick, and after the Fall called as Queen herself, though she was of course never Coronated before the fall of the Light Keep, and her claim as Queen is contested, some holding instead that Rannos Susidian is the rightful King of Benwick, should the place ever rise again. Whatever it is, she was not directly involved in the Fall of Benwick, as far as it is known, and she had no reason to assist in destroying the foundations of her bloodline, and she died after the fall of Light Keep, in an unknown year by unknown causes. Years later, her grave was found empty, and it is said she became a Vengeful Spirit in the shape of a Demilich.

Though the devils of Baator were responsible for the actual destruction of the Light Keep, some outsiders were also to blame, as those already mentioned, such as Jel and Vippin. A vengeful spirit does not discriminates and takes no side, except the side of vengeance, and thus Ophelia rose from the grave, perhaps because of her own studies on necromancy - though this is conjecture - or perhaps because of the actions of another individual who sought to instrumentalize her hatred and vengeance.

Be that as it may, she became a Demilich years after the Fall of Benwick, and joined the Twisted Rune. From then on she was set to settle her grudge against those that saw fit to have the Light Keep and her family destroyed, their name corrupted. In this, she took the mark of Benwick to herself, as follows:

Benwick's symbol was a silver and ruby outline of a lion's head in profile, roaring, within a circle with celestia writing around its outside, itself within an additional circle.

Demilich Ophelia's mark was similar: the same circle and celestial script, though with different letters, and the lion was skeletal, claws and teeth now bared and accentuated in ruby, the material looking to be obsidian or ebony. Such a mark Ophelia placed in some individuals in the isle of Arelith, in her attempt to influence them.

Benwick fell perhaps a decade before the turn of the century. From then onwards, it was and still is ruled by devils, though it was the site of countless attacks by settlements of the isle, and of many attempts to destroy the Baator Portal, such as one taken by Lady Ghestelle of Darrowdeep, and another in year 147 by Lord Eirik. All attempts were unsuccessful in destroying the portal however.

In regards to Ophelia, she did not attempt at once her vengeance on the isle, for a number of reasons, one being Mila Brown, Arch Mage Thoramind's greatest student, and indeed his successor in terms of pure power. It is said she was strong enough to disrupt Ophelia's efforts, and thus she was the target of several different assassination attempts, some from the Cult of the Dragon and the Zhentarim, others from the Twisted Rune, a mainland organization which Ophelia was part of. It may be that she was indeed feared by these factions due to her magical capabilities, or it was that she simply knew too much.

A third option is that she had control of some of the phylacteries of the demiliches of the Twisted Rune, but this is mere conjecture, as it seems unlikely that one individual could hold such power as in being capable of withstanding by herself the powers of several demiliches, when the efforts of the whole island were almost in vain. Be that as it may, one plot was successful in the year 163 AR, the Twisted Rune inflicting a volatile malign spell on all students and staff of the Arcane Tower. Each spell, in each individual, was successfully extracted by the mages of the Tower when they discovered what was happening, but the power within those spells could not be transported across the planes as expected. This, in sum, gave birth to a bomb of unprecedented power, with the radius of the explosion possibly reaching Minmir, as well as the entirety of Cordor.

As expected by the culprits of this plot, the Arcane Tower, and especially Mila Brown, would not allow this to happen. In order to not have their folly endanger the lives of countless civilians, Mila Brown entered the core of this magical source and created a powerful ward in its surroundings, with her within it in order to sustain it.

All others, including Arch Mage Angela Amana, were ordered by her to go to the Spellhold for safety. Mere moments later the explosion took place, and there was nothing but dust where before there was Mila. Her shield ward had completely withheld the explosion within it. Therefore the isle of Arelith, in the eyes of Ophelia, was ripe for the taking, and she began her directed efforts to achieve such and enact her vengeance.


War is begun - First Battle of Benwick - Allies of Convenience - Second Battle of Benwick

For months things lay low, until finally the results of many unseen plots of the Twisted Rune were brought to bear by the Demilich, and their attacks in the isle surfaced to all, a mission of the Radiant Heart, in contact with Kuldarn Oak of clan Mountainbrew, discovering Ophelia. In the beginning of Alturiak of year 164, a halfling messenger arrived in Brogendenstein, informing the dwarves that Bendir Dale was being assaulted by an orcish army coming from the Arelith Forest.

A task force was sent under Drillmaster Borik of clan Blacklock, Second Relds of clan Matulral, and Overseer Embrek of clan Shatterforge. The three dwarves arrived shortly after in Bendir Dale, and the orc threat was already mostly defeated. They decided to investigate and followed their trail, eventually reaching deep into the Arelith Forest, from where the orcs had come from. To their surprise, they were instead met with an undead horde, and it was put to light that the orcs were in fact retreating from them, it just so happened that Bendir Dale was on their escape route.

Though such was unexpected, the dwarves were not ambushed, nor were they caught off-guard, for it is not easy to do so against a member of the Kuldarn, and indeed all three commanders were members and high-ranking officers of the Brogendenstein's elite military force, Relds himself being below the command of Warden Kimli, and it was he the captain of this unit. The undead were quickly defeated, though a message had arrived informing them that the Arcane Tower was now under siege by another undead army. Thus they retraced their steps, and marched southbound. Relds addressed his kin, urging them to walk with haste while he quickly planned their next strategy:

"Borik and Embrek who share with me the command of this unit, my plan is to undertake a forced-march just as we are to the Arcane Tower, before we have been heard of. We may expect to find the undead as much off their guard as undead generally are when attacking someone else: this will certainly be so from their rear, where they have no idea of any enemy attacking them, and where our strength, as it happens, mainly lies; while even their forces are probably scattered about the Arcane Tower's Foyer in the carelessness of victory. If therefore we were to fall upon them suddenly and in their rear, I have hopes, with the help of the Wardens that we may have left inside the Tower, that we shall become masters of the place. Let us not shrink from the risk, but let us remember that this is just the occasion for one of the baseless panics common in war: and that to be able to guard against these in one's own case, and to detect the moment when an attack will find an enemy at this disadvantage, is what makes a successful commander".

Relds' plan was successful, and the dwarves, after defeating countless undead, met with the forces of the Tower and of other settlements. Just as victory was about to be declared, a single voice was heard by all, beckoning ill tidings from the ruins of Benwick. The forces of the isle moved as one in the direction of the keep, and they were met by an army the likes of which might doom the entire isle. Battle was fierce, and some asked for reinforcements, while others started retreating. Standing firm against scores of undead minions, Borik's armor and weapons bespattered with remnants of these woeful foes, as he watched as the humans falter and cry about the endless hordes. They begged for more men. With a resolute bellow he shouted:

"Moradin's will! I ask you, wish not one man more! By Clangeddin, I am not covetous for gold, Nor care I for comely lasses! Such outward things dwell not in my desires. But if it be a sin to covet honour, I am the most offending soul alive!"

After a gruesome engagement, the battle was brought inside Benwick itself, where a dracolich appeared. For a minute it was as if the entire allied army hesitated, but the three dwarven commanders attacked, and the others followed, the dracolich being soundly defeated. The battle continued as the elf Sythaeryn proceeded to destroy the bindings that allowed the undead to access Benwick. He was close to faltering, until at last their task was done, and the forces of the isle emerged triumphant, with the portal in Benwick being restored to access Baator instead, as nothing else could be achieved. Thus ended the First Battle of Benwick. Despite the victory, the Arelith Forest remained haunted and Ophelia herself was not defeated.

There was a lull in the fighting until the month of Kythorn. Ever vigilant, Thane Falgrim had ordered active patrols in the borders of the Dominion, and indeed elsewhere, such as in Minmir and in the Arelith Forest. It was in one of these patrols that Drillmaster Borik, Overseer Embrek and kin Krovul Boarmaster encountered a mustering of colossal undead in Minmir. Initially, they assumed they were undead from the Endless Battlefield, brought far from their graves by retreating adventurers.

This hypothesis was soon put to rest, however, as it was clear the undead were instead attacking from the south, the tree line of the Arelith Forest slowly darkening itself. As the battle went on, some paladins of the Radiant Heart joined with the dwarves, while shortly after the Minmir Cult of Banites deployed to the field, and indeed they marched in line towards the Arelith Forest. Their leader, one called Adenous, addressed his men as follows:

"Followers of Bane, our latest wars which may have made some of you afraid of the one now in prospect, really gives no just ground for apprehension. Preparation for the war against the dwarves a decade ago, as you know, there was little enough; and the object of our voyage with Cordor into Minmir was not so much to fight as a bluff of force. Besides this, the chances of war were largely against us; and perhaps also inexperience had something to do with our failure in our battle. It was not, therefore, cowardice that produced our defeat, nor ought the determination which force has not quelled, but which still has a word to say with its adversary, to lose its edge from the result of an accident; but admitting the possibility of a chance miscarriage, we should know that strong hearts must be always strong, and while they remain so can never put forward inexperience as an excuse for misconduct".

"Nor are you so behind the dwarves in experience as you are ahead of them in courage; and although the science of your opponents would, if valour accompanied it, have also the presence of mind to carry out at in emergency the lesson it has learnt, yet a faint heart will make all art powerless in the face of danger. For fear takes away presence of mind, and without valour art is useless. Against their superior experience set your superior daring, and against the fear induced by defeat the fact of your having been then unprepared; remember, too, that you have always the advantage of superior numbers, and of engaging off your own lands, supported by your own undead; and as a rule, numbers and equipment give victory".

"At no point, therefore, is defeat likely against these undead from the Arelith Forest, and let us show the dwarves the true might of the Banites, as we do what they cannot; and as for our previous mistakes, the very fact of their occurrence will teach us better for the future. Soldiers may, therefore, confidently attend to their several duties, none quitting the station assigned to them: as for ourselves, we promise to prepare for the engagement at least as well as your previous commanders, and to give no excuse for any one misconducting himself. Should any insist on doing so, he shall meet with the punishment he deserves, while the strong shall be honoured with the appropriate rewards of victory".

Such was the exhortation of the Banite commander as he led his forces to the Arelith Forest, in his attempt to single-handedly defeat the Demilich. The three dwarves, as well as a mage Azalea and a knight Darius Tristram, followed the banites, keeping an eye on their foulness. When they were about to enter Benwick, the Banites threatened the others, saying that no one else was allowed to enter, and if they attempted battle would begin, not against the undead, but between them and the Banites. Overseer Embrek thus responded:

"I have often before now been convinced that Banites are incapable of honour, and never more so than by your present decision in the matter of Benwick. Your own plots being unknown to you in your daily relations with each other, you feel just the same with regard to all others, and never reflect that the mistakes into which you may be led by listening to Bane, or by giving way to your own misjudged codes, are full of danger to yourselves, and bring you no thanks for your weakness from your peers; entirely forgetting that your army is a rabble and your subjects disaffected conspirators, whose obedience is ensured not by your own leadership, but by fear of the unknown".

"The most alarming feature in the case is the constant change of measures with which we, Brogendenstein's dwarves, appear to be threatened. In order to ensure an informed course of action from yourselves, i proceed to show that no one state has ever injured you as much as Brogendenstein, and that if you wish open battle here and now, you'll find yourself as unprepared as you were decades ago, and that Brogendenstein's might has instead increased tenfold. Let you now therefore be punished as your crime requires".

After a moment of hesitation, the Banites lowered their weapons, and thus all joined forces, the Banites accepting to follow instead of attacking by themselves, and the Second Battle of Benwick was started, the three dwarves keeping an eye on the banites, in addition to fighting the undead, the vampires and the dracoliches. They fought from the gate to the Portal Room, where they found it still attuned to Baator. By this time, many others, humans in particular, had joined them, such as Bjorn, Caldurian and Demetrius. The Banites had marched to the Main Hall ahead of the rest, and there most of them were defeated, while others surrendered. Once the main force arrived, including Drillmaster Borik, Overseer Embrek and kin Krovul, the captured Banites were freed, while the dead were resurrected.

A moment afterwards, the Demilich Ophelia appeared for the first time, a floating skull in the middle of the Hall, near the ruins of their once grand portal. She demanded fealty in exchange for the lives of all present, and she claimed that her goal was to create an undead army to protect Arelith, and that all would be better off under her protection. The Banite leader, Adenous, seemed interested in striking a bargain, but he was not allowed to do so as all others continued their attack.

There was nothing Ophelia could do but call forth her endless horde of undead, them spawning from four different portals. With dracoliches, vampires and undead on one flank, and the Demilich on the other, the battle was bloody and tiring. At first the Banites attempted to call a retreat, but again they were denied, and the dwarves, alongside others, kept themselves in the battle. Drillmaster Borik quickly addressed the Banites while he fought with fury unmatched with his two-handed axe:

"I see, Banites, that you are frightened by the number of the enemy, and I accordingly address you all, not liking you to create a weakness in our line in fear of what is not really terrible. In the first place, the undead, already mostly defeated. Next, as to that upon which they most rely, the foul magic which i suppose constitutional to them, their strength only arises from the powers given to them by the Demilich. But this advantage will in all justice belong to us on this element, if to them on that; as we can deal with the source. Besides, as the Twisted Rune use their supremacy over undead to promote their own glory, they are, the Demilich in particular, being brought into danger against their will, or they would never, after such a decided defeat as that earlier this year, have ventured upon a fresh engagement. You need not, therefore, be afraid of their dash".

"An adversary numerically superior, like the one before us, comes into action trusting more to strength than to resolution; while he who voluntarily confronts tremendous odds must have very great internal resources to draw upon. For these reasons the Twisted Rune fear our irrational audacity more than they would ever have done a more commensurate preparation. Besides, many armaments have before now succumbed to an inferior through want of skill or sometimes of courage; neither of which defects certainly are ours. For all this I will provide as far as can be. Do you stay at your posts behind the dwarven line, and simply be sharp at catching the word of command from others? The issues in which you want to help us are great?to destroy the hopes of the Demilich and to secure the isle. And I may once more remind you that Brogendenstein has defeated most of them already; and beaten undead do not face a danger twice so quickly".

For hours it lasted until Ophelia's efforts were weakened, her portals vanishing. Though she left unscathed, as nothing attempted by the Axehold Accords' forces brought her harm. Even so, she was forced to leave the field of battle, and the day was won.


Camp Young - Raid on the Arcane Tower - Battle of Brogendenstein's Gates

Despite the previous victories, the shadows and undead kept assailing the Arelith Forest, them reaching as far as to the border of the Heartwood Grove. Thus a camp, which would later be named as Camp Young, was built directly west of Benwick, the forces of the isle besieging the keep and attempting to block the advances of their enemies. This state of affairs continued for months, with occasional sallies from undead being defeated and Accords' assaults to the walls ending successfully. Warden Kimli and Second Relds took the lead in these assaults, whilst Drillmaster Borik was responsible for Brogendenstein's efforts in Camp Young itself, ensuring that its defences were strong. In turn, Kuldarn Oak was the main contact between Brogendenstein and the other settlements and factions, ensuring that the joint efforts were well coordinated.

As all prepared for a final assault on Benwick by the start of Eleint, the final campaign was initiated, not by Brogendenstein, not by the Axehold Accords, but by the Demilich. Her underdarker minions, while many were preoccupied with the Arelith Forest and Camp Young, assaulted the Arcane Tower. Most, if not all, of the Wardens of the Tower were elsewhere, so it was that Arch Mage Angela Amana met the raiders in battle by herself after sending a message for reinforcements. By the time these would arrive, she had been swept aside, and the raiders had invaded the Spellhold and freed the Demilich Xhazhygix from his prison. Iron Lord Grenfeld deployed the forces of Castle Gloom in assistance to the Wardens of the Tower, and they counterattacked.

The counter-strike team was unable to use wards, as they deployed in a section of the Tower that is warded against spellcasting and that possesses many safety countermeasures designed to dispel wards. The raiders, in contrast, were in a corridor free of such measures, and the battle was thus uneven from the start, and the raiders won the field. It is clear that the raiders had full knowledge of the Arcane Tower's safety measures and were informed of its layout and how to best utilize it against the Wardens.

A second wave of reinforcements arrived outside the Arcane Tower shortly after, but they were met by a horde of undead and were unable to enter it immediately. Meanwhile, the raiders were already long gone, and they brought the Demilich they had freed to Benwick through teleportation. The failure of the Arcane Tower in securing their captives meant that the isle now had not one, but two Demiliches to deal with. As the tenday ended, all sides tended to their wounds and mustered their strength for a final battle in Benwick. But before the siege could begin, the Demiliches took to the offensive, starting the final two-day long battle on day 10 of Eleint.

Though they were arrogant and overconfident, they correctly assumed that Brogendenstein was the greatest threat to their interests, and thus the most numerous undead horde was launched upon the Dominion, them rising from elsewhere and thus escaping the blockade of Benwick from Camp Young, where the majority of the isle's forces were deployed. This attack surprised the Brogendenstein militia, and the undead conquered the Nexus Falls at first, and the Thousand Stairs shortly after. A few hours into battle, the horde was by the very gates of Brogendenstein, and the Mead Maiden Aila of clan Vintergard, seeing that no Kuldarn official was present or the Thane, took command of the defences in the Gates.

Aila, seeing the militia dejected and greatly altered, passed along the ranks and encouraged and comforted them as far as was possible under the circumstances, raising her voice higher and higher as she went from one company to another in her earnestness, and in her anxiety that the benefit of her words might reach as many as possible:

"Samman and allies, even in our present position we must still hope on, since warriors have ere now been saved from worse straits than this; and you must not condemn yourselves too severely either because of your retreat from the Thousand Stairs or because of your present unmerited sufferings. I myself who am not superior to any of you in strength - indeed you see how I am not a warrior of the Kuldarn - and who in the gifts of fortune am, I think, whether in private life or otherwise, the equal of any, am now exposed to the same danger as the meanest among you; and yet my life has been one of much devotion toward the gods, and of much justice and without offence toward others. I have, therefore, still a strong hope for the future, and our misfortunes do not terrify me as much as they might. Indeed we may hope that they will be lightened: our enemies have had good fortune enough; and if any of the Morndinsamman was offended at our retreat, we have been already amply punished".

"Others before us have withdrawn upon seeing such an undead horde without suffering more than they could bear; and we may now justly expect to find the Morndinsamman more kind, for we have become fitter objects for their pity than their contempt. And then look at yourselves, mark the numbers and efficiency of the samman marching in your ranks, and do not give way too much to despondency, but reflect that you are yourselves at once a fortress wherever you sit down, and that there is no other in Arelith that could easily breach your walls, or expel you when once established. The safety and security of the shield wall is for yourselves to look to; the one thought of each samman being that the spot on which he may be forced to fight must be conquered and held as his country and stronghold".

"Meanwhile we shall defend the Gates night and day alike, as our provisions are scanty; and if we can resist until the Kuldarn arrives, you may forthwith consider yourselves safe. A message has been sent on to them. To sum up, be convinced, militia, that you must be brave, as there is no place near for your cowardice to take refuge in, and that if you now escape from the enemy, you may all see again what your hearts desire, while those of you who are samman will raise up again the great power of the Golden Halls, fallen though it may come to be. Samman make the Golden Halls, and not walls or barricades without dwarves in them".

As she made this address, Aila went along the ranks, and brought back to their place any of the militia that she saw straggling out of the line. Though not a military officer, her words kindled the hearts of the defenders, and she herself was forged anew by the grace of the Morndinsamman, and it was as if the defenders were led by Thane Falgrim himself.

Her efforts gave time for reinforcements to arrive from elsewhere in the isle, some appearing in the portal by the gate amidst the core of the undead army - such as Quartermaster Eddie Salem of Castle Gloom - others attacking from the Golden Halls alongside Aila and the militia - such as Thicket, Anakhsun, Turgar and Henry - and moments later Thane Falgrim finally arrived and took command. With their efforts renewed, the undead were pushed back, and a scouting party of the Order of the White Stag breached their lines and marched to the Nexus Falls, the others following shortly after. After hours of battle the undead were pushed all the way to the Minmir River, and there not one was left standing.

During this battle Sargeant Ulrik Stormheart of Castle Gloom was deployed to the command tent in Camp Young, and he proved himself pivotal to the isle's efforts as he ensured that all units were well-informed, repeatedly sending couriers to the captains of the armies. Thus much of the reinforcements that arrived in Brogendenstein's Gates were sent by him, Eddie Salem included, and moments after that battle was done he sent a message to Eddie to gather Iron Lord Grenfeld and to muster back in Camp Young. This was done so that the Camp could be well defended during a time where most of the other units were deployed elsewhere, particularly towards the Skull Crags, as another battle, the battle of the Weatherstone, had been initiated.


Battle on the Weatherstone - Third and Final Battle of Benwick

While Brogendenstein fought elsewhere, the Wardens of the Tower, the Hawk'in, Castle Gloom and others, primarily under the command of Sythaeryn, Wallace Lyonall, Iron Lord Grenfeld and Sargeant Ulrik, defended Camp Young against the undead and an artillery bombardment and protected the Heartwood Grove against a Void Cultist attack. This gave them time to secure a number of packages created or found by the Arcane Tower's wizards, such as Arch Mage Angela Amana, whom herself was present.

A few hours earlier, reports had arrived of undead activity in the Weatherstone, up in the Skull Crags. As Brogendenstein's forces had gathered by the Minmir Falls portal, the Thane ordered an immediate redeployment to the Weatherstone. There they were immediately besieged by several undead under the command of a Headless Horseman, the horde attacking from several portals around their perimeter. Of the dwarves, Thane Falgrim, Warden Kimli, Scribe Archamus, Elder and Ambassador Naly, Elder Balund, Razhkuld Noli of clan Torsig, Merovyan of clan Ironfaar, and Razhkuld Bognus of clan Gray-anvil were present, in addition to some Hawk'in, Shields of Guldorand, and others. Last but not least, Priestess and Ambassador of the Great Grotto Ivridda Ironfoot was there alongside Brogendenstein.

They were assailed for long, holding the perimeter in face of an endless horde of undead, until noon. Then, the portals slowly started to dissipate and they vanished soon after, the remaining enemies being brought down without hesitation. By then Sargeant Ulrik had sent a messenger informing the Thane of the situation in Camp Young: though it continued being defended, the camp itself was mostly destroyed by the enemy artillery bombardment from the walls of Benwick. Thus once again the Thane ordered a quick redeployment of Brogendenstein's might, and Priestess Ivridda, Elder Balund and Iron Lord Grenfeld, whom had just arrived to the Weatherstone, all opened portals, ensuring a quick passage towards the new field of battle. Some remained behind, keeping the Weatherstone safe - such as Merovyan - while Warden Kimli returned to Brogendenstein and kept vigilant, alongside Second Relds and the Kuldarn, over the Gates.

When Brogendenstein arrived in Camp Young, a plan was being set in motion, where Mayor Meriam of Bendir Dale would transport a limited number of individuals towards the enemy artillery, but soon after she was interrupted as whatever preparations being done by those of the Arcane Tower were finished, and they announced their own plan. They had with them two types of Sealing Orbs, specifically capable of trapping a Demilich within them. The first type was the Greater Seals, of which they had two, but only one was brought to Camp Young. This Greater Seal did not require, to trap a Demilich, anything other than being charged by a device called Mesmer Coil, which took some time.

Thus, the mages and Wardens of the Arcane Tower only carried one as they marched towards the camp. In addition, they had with them two lesser Seals. These did not need to be charged, but instead they required the sacrifice of one individual, where through its life-essence the Seal gained the power to imprison even a being as capable as a Demilich. However, it is unclear if they realized beforehand that there were two potential Demiliches in opposition, and not only Ophelia: either they were careless and did not patrol the Spellhold to see if anything was amiss, or they were impatient and only brought one Greater Seal despite having the knowledge that two would be required. Whatever it was, their decision set the stage for the climax of the battle, and indeed the war.

Though when the forces of the Arcane Tower arrived it was felt as if an imminent attack on the walls would take place, indecision quickly swept through the chain of command. Over fifty of the greatest warriors and warrioress of the isle were present, from Cordor, Guldorand, Heartwood Grove, Bendir Dale, Brogendenstein, the Great Grotto, Darrowdeep and Castle Gloom, in addition to some unaffliliated individuals. Oddly or not, depending on one's perspective, Myon was not present. The Thane ordered Brogendenstein to take a flanking position from the approach to the walls, while the others tarried and discussed in vain during enemy sally's from Benwick and continued bombardment.

On becoming aware of the state of affairs, Thane Falgrim turned to the Brogendenstein division, now composed of himself, Elder Naly, Elder Balund, Scribe Archamus, Kuldarn Gotriik, Razhkuld Bognus, Razhkuld Noli, Priestess Ivridda, Quartermaster Eddie, Iron Lord Grenfeld, Annwyl and Burduk. Sargeant Ulrik was not present, as he was protecting the Heartwood Grove. The Thane briefly and hastily addressed his forces, as follows:

"Samman and allies, our ancestors made many campaigns both within and without the isle, and the elder dwarves among us here are not without experience in war. Yet together the isle has never set out with a larger force than the present; and if our numbers and efficiency are remarkable, so also is the power of the undead against which we march. We ought not then to show ourselves inferior to our ancestors, or unequal to our own reputation. For the hopes and attention of all Arelith are bent upon the present effort, and its sympathy is with the enemy of the hated Demilich. Therefore, numerous as the allied army may appear to be, and certain as some may think it that we can simply set up camp and await the siege with time on our side, this is no sort of justification for indecision, nor for the least negligence upon the march".

"The course of war cannot be foreseen, and its attacks are generally dictated by the impulse of the moment; and where overweening self-confidence has despised preparation, a wise apprehension often been able to make head against superior numbers. Not that confidence is out of place in an army of invasion, but in an enemy's fortress it should also be accompanied by the precautions of apprehension: troops will by this combination be best inspired for dealing a blow, and best secured against receiving one. In the present instance, the Keep against which we are going, far from being so impotent for defence, is on the contrary most excellently equipped at all points; so that we have every reason to expect that they will take the field against us, and that if they have not set out already before we are there, they will certainly do so when they see us in their territory wasting and destroying their artillery".

"Considering, therefore, the power of the fortress against which we are marching, and the greatness of the reputation which, according to the event, we shall win or lose for our ancestors and ourselves, remember as you follow where you may be led to regard discipline and vigilance as of the first importance, and to obey with alacrity the orders transmitted to you; as nothing contributes so much to the credit and safety of an army as the union of large bodies by a single discipline."

Thus Brogendenstein marched as one into the walls of Benwick, Kuldarn Gotriik taking the vanguard. The enemy sallied in full, and battle was begun. As the dwarven line pushed the undead back, the rest of the isle's forces, no doubt brought into activity by the dwarven advance, joined the fray, and shortly after the gate of Benwick was breached, fighting being brought into the interior of the Keep.

There the undead hordes were quickly swayed aside, and the allied forces split in two, the Brogendenstein division heading for the Portal to Baator, while the others moved elsewhere, cleansing the keep in its entirety. By this time, Nina Softstep of Bendir Dale had joined the dwarven line.

As the Brogendenstein division arrived in the Portal Room, the roof came crumbling down and trapped all of them within it. It was then that not only Ophelia appeared, but also Xhazhygix, each Demilich flanking the samman line from one side of the hall, and the final engagement began as they brought forth all their power in their attempt to destroy every single individual present and deal a deadly blow to the isle's efforts in opposing them.

For hours the dwarven line held, Scribe Archamus, Razhkuld Noli, Thane Falgrim, Burduk and Elder Naly locking their shields together and forming an unbreakable shield wall. Priestess Ivridda continuously healed them; Elder Balund and Iron Lord Grenfeld warded them and hurled magic at the undead; Kuldarn Gotriik made sallies and brought down the greatest threats to the line, including necromages; and Nina, Annwyl, Quartermaster Eddie and Razhkuld Bognus took to the flanks, making sure all undead were bottlenecked into the dwarven shield wall, in addition to them protecting Ivridda and Balund.

Seeing that the dwarves could not be so easily put down, Ophelia succumbed to attempt a deal, where one of them would sacrifice their life-essence to a blood golem, allowing her to take control of the Baator portal once and for all and to presumably ensnare Benwick within her grasp, and possibly the whole isle. All refused, though Bognus eagerly asked questions regarding the terms of the deal.

This state of affairs continued until dawn of day 11 of Eleint, when at last the other divisions had arrived on the other side of the blocked doorway into the room. A coordinated effort started, both the Brogendenstein division and the others attempting to clear the rubble. Though those on the outside used powderkegs, they were not enough, and the dwarven line kept being attacked by the two Demiliches. It was then that Quartermaster Eddie produced an explosive device, and after igniting it, the rubble was cleared. Over fifteen humans, elves, halflings and gnomes arrived and joined forces with Brogendenstein. Below the dwarven line there were over a hundred undead corpses.

Ophelia, watching the tide turn against her, offered her deal once more, as follows. She did not move, but her words were heard by all:

"Within this hall, all that you touch and all that you see is all your lives will ever be. No things of steel, mithril, adamantine, fire, or else, can breach my defences, nor can things of magic sway me from my course. I was not unprepared for the resistance of which i have been the object. For those of course who have a free choice in the matter and do not follow blindly their leaders, war is the greatest of follies. And if the only choice was danger in resisting and instead having your entire isle be brought to oblivion; and submission with the hope of preserving your lands, in such a case it is he who will not accept the negligible injury of loss of independence that deserves blame, not he who will. The offer is made, and it shall not be made again. Offer yourselves to me, and the glory and honour of Brogendenstein, Guldorand, Cordor and Bendir Dale shall not be diminished, while your lands shall be kept safe under the rulership of Ophelia and the Twisted Rune".

As before, all were quick to refuse her, except Bognus. The astray samman stepped forth from the line, and ignored the calls of his kin. Bognus addressed the gathered:

"It is tradition that all clans have a right to services in sustaining the glories of their positions. These are a common source of pride to all samman. But when a clan is shamed, as the Storm-anvil clan was during the fall of Umbrick Halls, additional efforts must be taken in payment for one's wrongdoings. This burden of shame i carry alone, the last member of the dishonored clan Gray-Anvil. Thane! You cannot decline my greater need for honour, brought to bear by the burdens of the past. Demilich Ophelia, i make my decision now, for security then and honour now, and i attain both objectives by instant and zealous effort: i give myself onto you, if you make your words true, and protect Arelith and the Dominion of Brogendenstein from their inevitable demise. By this action the past is burnt, and clan Gray-anvil is clan Storm-anvil once more".

Bognus advanced towards Ophelia by himself, until he was paralyzed by one of his allies, and later knocked out by another and carried away to be healed by Ivridda. His sacrifice did not come to happen, and instead he was chastised by all for his break of discipline, including the Thane. Thus Ophelia did not achieve her goals, but the two Demiliches remained unscathed, as indeed nothing could bring them harm. Bognus' hubris was his eagerness to trade the grace of his name for the honour of his clan. He was well intentioned in his attempt to gain honour for his kin, but a poor judgement of circumstances, as he believed the words of a Demilich, had dire consequences for himself, and almost so for the whole isle.

It was then that the Wardens of the Tower produced the Greater Seal, and in mere moments Ophelia was captured and trapped. Xhazhygix continued spawning countless undead, and as the Greater Seal was being recharged by the Mesmer Coil, the perimeter created by the Wardens of the Tower failed, and the Mesmer Coil was brought to ruin, thus making it impossible to recharge the spent Greater Seal. Arch Mage Angela Amana left the hall and sought to get hold of the other Greater Seal, still within the Arcane Tower. Angela's efforts were largely unsuccessful.

Sythaeryn, in conjunction with Vance Gravelle, who had publicly repented of his sins and of his evil ways since his war against Brogendenstein - though one can doubt if such was indeed truthful - produced their lesser Seals, and they flipped a coin. Vance won, or lost, depending on one's perspective, and he offered his life-essence to the seal, trapping Xhazhygix.

Thus Vance was granted the martyrdom he most likely desired in his attempt to clear his name. This martyrdom was made stronger given the fact that a great attempt at misinformation was done, where no communication transpired between the Wardens and the others present, including the Brogendenstein division.

Thus, for all it was assumed that using the lesser Seal was the only way to stop Xhazhygix, and that Vance had done a honourable thing. Honourable it may be, it was not the only course of action available, and the Wardens of the Tower and Vance knew of it, for the Second Greater Seal was charged and available within the Arcane Tower. Instead of assisting Arch Mage Angela in retrieving it, or of informing Brogendenstein's division of its existence, where they could plan a course of action together, it was unilaterally decided for the sacrifice, and a sacrifice did occur. Not of Bognus to Ophelia, but of Vance to the Lesser Seal.

With this done, the battle, and indeed the war, came to a finish. The wounded were tended to and the dead buried; some soldiers were promoted, others left their service due to the things experienced and the injuries suffered, be it those to their body or those to their spirit. In Camp Young mourning for the fallen took place, before each division headed towards their respective homelands. Many tendays later, Benwick was soon occupied again by the forces from Baator, and the island's status quo was re-established.

Brogendenstein's division arrived home battered and tired, but they had held their ground, and through the aid of the Morndinsamman, their duty was done and the lands of the Dominion kept safe. Be that as it may, the War of 164 AR is a testimony of the strength of unity and of the power of the Axehold Accords, as it is clear no individual settlement could have dealt with the threat by themselves. Even Brogendenstein required aid, not in terms of warriors of course, or in leadership and weapons, but in terms of the devices to imprison a Demilich. Such was beyond the dwarves that day, but not to the Arcane Tower, and thus with a joint effort the threat of the isle's destruction and or subjugation was eliminated.

Thane Falgrim's policies prove themselves right as the years passes by, his efforts in creating the Axehold Accords reverberating decades later positively for the Dominion and the Arelith Archipelago. If he continues heeding the word of the Morndinsamman, as he no doubt will, the Golden Halls shall continue to thrive and prosper.

A year afterwards, the isle still recovers from the effects of this war, and there are signs of it everywhere, from soldiers that have lost their eagerness and their joy, to the missing laughs and presence of those that have perished. No greater memorial was erected in honour of the fallen than the one now in Brogendenstein's Halls of Legends, made by Priestess and Ambassador Ivridda Ironfoot of the Great Grotto.

Thus finishes this history, indeed one of unprecedented scale, if i may say so. Let the reader be reminded that though it is a tale of heroism, of victory and triumph, it is also a tale of despair, death, bloodshed and suffering. Too often people read about war with no inconvenience, sitting in a comfortable armchair, with their feet beside the fire. One then may easily forget the toils and consequences of battle, and forge in their minds an image of war as glorious and triumphant, where individuals test their mettle without consequences to them, or indeed to others. Such an image is a lie, of course, which gives birth to unjust wars. This was not the case with the War of 164 AR, nor with Brogendenstein's efforts against pirates, Banites or denizens from the underdark. But as my public, i expect, is not exclusive to the samman of the Golden Halls, it is my hope and prayer, as i reiterate, that this work of history will be of use for interpretation of the future, which in the course of Arelith things must resemble if it does not reflect it.