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Written by Garrett Kelson in 175 AR.


The events surrounding the Heart of the Mountain destroying old Guldorand (the region now known as Westcliff) occurred during late 155 AR. This book is a collection of my experiences during the period of time. It is not a full historic record, I have not interviewed anyone for their accounts. I am writing what I know and experienced so a record of what happened exists.

I am writing this for Aisling, who asked about the subject and told me Guldorand rangers were telling her the Heart of the Mountain was a ghost, and lead an undead army. This is untrue, Guldorand at the time understood the Heart was a fey and recognized the undead were from outside interlopers.

The second half of the book also serves as a record to show some of the history behind the Myon-Guldorand conflict.

Lastly, I included message board postings from Guldorand's mayor Ezekiel Klennald from that period in time at the end of the book.

Tyne's Account:

I was a citizen of Cordor at the time and heard little about what was happening in the north. Tyne was the first to speak to me about it the failing negotiations between Guldorand and the Archfey named the Heart of the Mountain.

Tyne said the Archfey called the Heart wished to destroy Guldorand. Tyne became involved to protect the Archfey.

Tyne said Sharrans became involved, supplying cold iron weapons to fight the fey with. The Sharrans learned of a relic that would protect the Archfey from cold iron, and attempted to take the relic before the Heartwood Grove received it.

There was a vision given to the Heartwood that Ezekiel would take the blades and ride upon a nightmare into battle against the Archfey. Mayor Ezekiel surrendered the cold iron weapons and wished to cooperate to find a solution.

The Archfey said it was futile, for the village of Guldorand needed to be destroyed. It was given a year to evacuate as it is only the village that needed to be destroyed, not its people. But the people were not leaving.

A second prophecy was given by a desert seer, that a massacre would come to pass in Guldorand for those who refuse to leave, and that the massacre will extend even to those who choose to evacuate.

Tyne said she was threatened with death when she passed through Guldorand, even before these affairs happened. She said Guldorand considered Heartwood a foe despite Heartwood's efforts to try and save Guldorand.

Tyne named Elatha Nostalfay as being the most vocal against the Archfey in the meetings Heartwood Grove had on the matter. Elatha tried to persuade the druids to work against the Archfey, and left in anger when others expressed differing views. Elatha was in favour of using cold iron weapons. Tyne explained to Heartwood the cruelty of cold iron injuries to fey, most were against the use of cold iron after this.

Elatha was angered that the relic to protect against cold iron was given to the Archfey.

After describing all of this we spent the rest of the conversation trying to figure out if it was possible to save people. Tyne wanted me to try and help convince people in Guldorand to evacuate.

Buppi's Account:

Buppi attended the moot in Guldorand where they decided on a course of action. The vote was split very closely, but the side that wanted to fight won. House Nostalfay pleaded to Coronal Anaria for Myon's help, going so far as to say Myon should because the Nostalfays are their people (as in elven kin, not Myon citizens. The Nostalfay family lived in Guldorand). Buppi remarked that normally the Nostalfay get upset when Myon got involved in their business. Most of the Nostalfay voted to leave, with only a few voting to remain.

Buppi said the people who evacuated Guldorand all left to Brogendenstein.

Buppi described how monk Amadeo was angry at the moot. The Viper Monks, long standing rival of the Soulhaven Monastery, attended the moot and offered help to defend Guldorand. Their involvement and the general tone set Amadeo off, he walked out after the vote, fists clenched. For those who never met Amadeo, he was very peaceful and calm. Anger from him was exceptionally rare.

On the day of the burning of Guldorand, Buppi went to the town to see what was going on. He said Guldorand was accepting help from underdarkers, drow, and hobgoblins. The tiefling Teriana brought a nightmare steed to Guldorand to help fight the fey. Everyone in Guldorand stood by the gates warded and ready for combat. Buppi said people in the group were boasting about who might get the most kills, while standing beside a nightmare.

Guldorand circled the entrances of the town with salt, for salt can repel lesser fey. Buppi remarked on how all they're doing is salting their own land, the archfey will just burn it away.

A necromancer pirate was thrown out. In a separate account from days prior, the elf Vesryn told me necromancer pirates and Andunorians did a rite in the vampire cave to unbind a dracolich, which might be related.

The Archfey managed to ward the entire mountain against teleportation, so nothing could come or go. Ships had already evacuated, meaning the only way in and out of town was by foot. Buppi grabbed a painting that had sentimental value, and then left.

My account:

I lived at the southernmost point of the island at the time, at a hut on the jungle's coast. I had set up a telescope to keep an eye on the mountain. Buppi and Zathlan were with me, this is when Buppi told me his account from the tenday prior.

The telescope ended up not being necessary. There was a giant plume of smoke rising up from Guldorand, blotting out visibility. What could be seen was fire. The smoke itself even seemed to be alight at times, filled with fiery ash and brimstone raining down.

After the flames died down and smoke began to clear, I went to investigate the ruins. I had never seen anything so gruesome before, I was filled with horror and disgust. Charred corpses lined the ground. Wood still smoldered, a thick haze filling the town. The sky was red from smoke. The smell of burnt flesh and dwellings will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Ash and rock formed large piles against the charred walls of whatever building still stood, I'm uncertain if it was from an eruption or a landslide. Soulhaven Monastery was entirely caved in.

Someone named Caithwen told me vampires beset the town among other beasts. And the Viper Monks destroyed Soulhaven. Someone named Kithri suggested the pirates and drow who performed a rite to unbind a dracolich in weeks prior were responsible for them being able to attack. Others in Guldorand believe the Archfey allied the vampires to attack.

I went to Brogendenstein and spoke with some of the survivors. I met up with Caithwen again who told me a kobold mage and their elven slave came to the ruins to pick at bones, it sounded like Caithwen chased them off.

I spent time speaking to people. It sounded like the second prophecy encouraged everyone to stay. Where if a single person stays to fight everyone of Guldorand will be hunted, resulted in the vast majority of people staying. Out of solidarity, and out of a sense that if they will die anyways, they should stay and die together.

The prophet was a fraud and signed a death warrant for everyone in town. Those who evacuated were not hunted.

It was senseless. Agonizingly senseless.

I was worried with so many slain violently, the area would become corrupted with undeath and become the next Minmir battlefield, or that necromancers would prey upon it. I reached out to the survivors to speak and spent time patrolling the ruins.

The most notable thing I came across was a looter, a halfling female who was checking all of the doors. She went into the Winter's Rest, cast improved invisibility on herself before heading upstairs, and then went to go check the storage box. I confronted her after she left and had moved onto the next building, she said she was searching for survivors. I'm very skeptical there were survivors hiding in storage chests. I reported it to Guldorand's First Axe Derristan Barley.

I returned to Brogendenstein to speak to Mayor Ezekiel Klennald about patrols and seeing to the dead. We spoke briefly on what happened, he confirmed that the pirates Aerik and Myles were responsible for the vampires being unchained from their tomb, which led to undead assaults once the burning happened.

As we spoke, Guldorandian survivors and Brogendensteiners discussed the incident, some having concerns if there would be further attacks by fey or druids on Bendir Dale.

Falgrim Vintergard said a grudge must be recorded. The druids of Heartwood "saw to destroy the blade." Falgrim didn't want it to be resolved in blood, but he could not let it be forgotten. He said he expected the druids of Heartwood to make amends if they wish to be on better terms with the halls.

Dora said Guldorand was unaware the blade was a dwarven treasure. Guldorand received it from a shady source and used it as leverage for peace negotiations. But Heartwood acted poorly in all this matter, they have amends to make.

Ezekiel said in Heartwood's defense, they only knew that the blade had been delivered by a devil and not that it was a dwarven relic.

Falgrim said he was well aware that information was lacking on part of many, that is something to take into consideration.

Ezekiel offered to mediate the grudge to Heartwood.

Patrick o'Sullivan said as long as Edgar didn't get involved he cannot see it going poorly, Beryl had a good head on her shoulders for the most part.

Gotriik said a grudge would be written, to whom he didn't know yet, it is not something that is simply written and he would investigate it further.

Falgrim said it was not Guldorand that saw it destroyed. Ezekiel was not aware of the promises made by others in Guldorand at the time. He didn't see what further investigations Gotriik needed to make. The druids saw it destroyed. But if Gotriik must, do look into it. Falgrim saw no reason for urgency in the matter.

Kazerthan said it should fall upon Edgar, as he originally stated his intentions of allegiance to the Archfey from the very beginning.

Ezekiel and I left the meeting to speak. I offered to patrol the region, and we spoke on finding a Kelemvorite or someone who could help ensure there were no lingering spirits or undead taint infesting the ruins.

Ezekiel spoke of Cordor's help in the struggle, led by chancellor Evrain. He wanted me to pass a message to the Order of the Stranger that Guldorand's shrines were moved to the Dark Spires and needed to be checked up on occasionally.

This next bit I am including so there is a record of past struggles between Myon and Guldorand. There has been ill will for a long time and a lot of what happened during this era isn't spoken of.

Ezekiel asked if I had any sway with Myon's government. I was a citizen of Cordor at the time, but regularly spoke with and worked with a number of Myonians.

Ezekiel disliked how Myon reacted to the whole thing, "There's not really a way to tell someone directly that being a defensive snob saying 'I told you so' is not a good way to treat your future neighbours especially after they just lost their home. If someone could let them know to have some basic compassion that'd be swell. But any attempts to say so on my part has been seen as finger pointing at them. If you can think of a way to let them know they're burning through the good will they had built without tipping them off that the message came from me, please do so."

I later spoke with Coronal Anaria Liamytholen.

She said she confronted Ezekiel regarding words said during their last meeting. Guldorand was considering a counter-attack upon the Heart of the Mountain after they had moved into the new city shared by both Guldorand and Myon. Specifically, Derristan was speaking to the shields in the Golden Halls about it. It wasn't talk about defense, in case they were pursued. It was a counter-attack. Anaria said Ezekiel told her he wasn't thinking of doing it at that moment in time. Anaria said she did not mince words with them when they spoke of visiting death upon her people and repeating the mistakes of the past, and a counter-attack would be most unwise. Anaria asked Ezekiel outright if he would commit to not counter-attacking. She said he wormed his way around the question but eventually agreed as she pressed him. She then asked him if he was prepared to put that promise to paper, she said Ezekiel verbally attacked her for not taking him at his word, for not trusting him.

Anaria was angry at Guldorand's reaction to her, that they argue she is uncaring, rude, or insulting the dead. Anaria said she was the one angry that people died, while Guldorand celebrated their vain sacrifices, glory to their lost battle.

Anaria said that Angela Amana invoked the Elf-Father's name, saying "By Corellon" to Anaria. This was viewed very negatively.

Seradria said "Do you know how long they've used the building of the city as leverage on us? Always carefully wording their intent but making it nonetheless clear."

Anaria said Ezekiel tried to say "We're going to be living together, you shouldn't treat us like this. If you disagree with us, that'll make things complicated for you down the line."

Anaria was angry that Guldorand considered not wanting more death as treating them poorly.

Seradria said Ezekiel said similar things when Myon questioned him on handing the Archfey the greenleaf armour.

Anaria said "I told Cordor in this many words, if Ezekiel uses the city as a staging ground for a counter-attack, we will kill them."

She said she will have the Sentinels (now the Aegis) tighten the border of the Elven district, and bar Guldorand from entry. She said they were too dangerous, too stricken with spiteful hearts to be allowed near the People.

Seradria echoed the statement, if they cross into the district, they will be regarded as invaders.

Anaria said Evrain will speak to Ezekiel, partly on Myon's behalf, and partly on the behalf of the isle at large.

Anaria then said Ezekiel eventually did write his promise in words, that he will not use his resources of Guldorand's government to seek the destruction of the Heart of the Mountain.

Anaria was unhappy with the wording of it, and asked Evrain to revise it and offer the new version to Ezekiel to sign publicly at an upcoming memorial. So he may demonstrate that he shall not casually throw the lives of his people away.

Anaria said that above all, Guldorand could have had peace. They could have given the Sky-Talker druids the reigns of Guldorand, and those that wish it could learn the ways of nature. Instead Guldorand saw the earth salted and forests burned. Ezekiel could have stepped in and stopped it, but he didn't, which vexed her. She wanted accountability that such a horrible thing happened.

Anaria said she worried the doors of the new city shall open and that it shall promptly be doused in blood.

A tenday later there was a vigil in Cordor for the fallen. Paige Mosbrooke and I then organized people to help tend to the corpses in Guldorand. We encountered a group of Heartwood druids as well who were investigating the ruins. A Sky-Talker druid was with them.

We gathered the bodies and built a funeral pyre, offering our prayers to Kelemvor that the dead will be guided. Paige and Kazerthan argued, Buppi and I tried to get them to stop and focus on prayer.

Elder Harman gave a speech:

"The Mountain is more than just a little village to me. It was my roots. It is my roots. Roots that wrapped around and embraced others it touched, my kin who became brothers, attached to me as my trunk sprung, and became branches that I feel ever connected to. Even when Our first shack is reformed, and Karl has some semblance of the Logjam standing once more, the branches are gone for good. But not my sorrow for living longer than those I loved."

Paige was angry and said Ezekiel should be here. She and Kazerthan began to argue again. Everyone tried to get them to stop.

Kazerthan then said "Paige I understand how you feel but don't degrade yourself to that of Myon."

There were three Myonians present who called the statement into question.

Naesala said they were here burying Guldorand's people, and he had the gall to say that.

Anaria said she just finished speaking with Ezekiel and repairing the damaged bridge between towns.

Kazerthan said to him maybe, but he is not everyone.

Buppi became very aggressive telling people to drop it and respect the dead.

People then began to depart. I reminded them if they had time in their day, to try and do patrols through the ruins.

Druids then arrived, Heartwood's Archdruid Beryl Whitestorm and the Archdruid of the Skytalker tribe, She-Who-Loves.

Conlan put out the remaining flames of the pyre, and collected the ashes to throw to the wind from the cliffside. He offered a prayer:

"Mother of Magic, may in your infinite wonders grant these poor fallen comfort in their journeys beyond, may their ashes roam the winds and stretch far and wide, as memory of them remains and is carried for as long as the four winds blow."

She-Who-Loves spoke with Anaria and Beryl, "We retain our earlier insistence that they must live under us and according to our ways. But you and the Heartwood both passed our trials, and are considered tribe to us. As such, we believe you may be best to oversee them and see they do well so limitedly and without the mistakes of the past. We would do it ourselves, but it was not only they of Guldorand who lost many. Between their own men and the undead, we too sent many to Toril's arms."

Anaria asked how the Skytalkers would have her and Beryl oversee the region that is now Westcliff.

She-Who-Loves said the wild is finally starting to grow back, she wishes oversight that restoration does not take any resources beyond the gate, nor any violence to its sacred life in vengeance.

Beryl said the Heartwood began blessings of purification and regrowth, starting with the area around what was once the lumbermill. The Heartwood's concerns was that negative energy might have had an opportunity to spread, given the undead being so close to the destruction.

I had little other involvement in what followed. Things in Cordor picked up and I was needed there again.

Section 2: Message Board Postings.

Title: In Defiance of Doomsday, Part I By Ezekiel Klennald, 24/5/155

For those that do not know already doomsday will come to Guldorand at year's end. A demand has been given to us, evacuate the town to uncertain locations, hand our government over to Sky Talker Tribe, or face the wrath of the mountain itself against us.

The plan of the government, already, was to simply move all people to the new city being built when it was complete and while still a possibility it is very unlikely the city will be done by the end of the year. We are doing what we can to speed this process along.

Evacuation locations are less than ideal and it is also unlikely we will be able to move all our people out of town permanently before the time comes.

So we dig down and defend our home and hold out for a better alternative.

As such as the Mayor of Guldorand and the Lawspeaker of the Republic I task the Shields and Delegation to seek out all resources, all allies, all people willing to come to our defense.

The forces of the Dominion and Bendir have already been pledged to our aid, many of the Radiant Heart have declared for our side, and individuals of Cordor have sought us out to pledge their support. But we will need more.

To the citizens of the Republic, know that we face this crisis together not apart. You all have a duty to aid and trust one another, not use cheap one ups and hatred to allow you to divide ourselves now in our greatest moment of crisis. We already know who stands with Guldorand because they have stood with us time and again.

To those who would call themselves friends and allies of Guldorand, if ever the words Send for me if you need help crossed your lips now you know the time and place with which to help. But even before that we need any and all hands to assist. Not all support give even need be violent. Morale support, aid, seeking places well defended to which those of us that can flee but not fight can take refuge.

Title: In Defiance of Doomsday, II By Ezekiel Klennald, 24/5/155

This is not simply another drow attack, or a Sharran plot, or pirate raid, or invasion by religious fanatics. This is the death of Guldorand as we know it. Our choice is to either enable Guldorand to live in a new form or die to brutality.

I will not be fooled into thinking any and all people will come to our aid, nor do I demand it, I imagine depending on where you find this note there will likely be many smug and vile papers after it declaring good riddance. But I ask on those who value people, lives, not politics or petty smugness, to aid us in what ways you are able.

Let the vile trash that hear of a people doomed and respond with hatred have their say, they are less than nothing and their choices will be weight against them when they stand before Kelemvor.

But those of you with moral backbone, who can actually do something and not let whatever anger you might have against us, justified anger even, cloud your judgment. Help us. We will face doomsday with furious militant strength but we are not invulnerable.

This is not our first doomsday but it is likely to be the logging town's last one way or another. To those uncertain, you have one last chance to give aid to a people who have only ever sought their own survival, will you stand with them or regret not taking action when you had the chance?

To those who will aid us, we stand together as neighbors, friends, allies, and strangers in defiance of doomsday.

For Guldorand, for the Republic!

Title: A Moot on Doomsday, Part I By Ezekiel Klennald, 11/11/155

Doomsday may be yet averted but a task far more challenging than a straight fight awaits our community, we must struggle not with the blade but with ourselves.

After a meeting with the Heart of the Mountain options have been given to us, more than we were aware of, and so I call a Moot as the Lawspeaker. Rather than dictate the entire course of history I ask that all who have voice to lend it together as a community to decide our future.

Allies and guests are welcome to sit in and observe but I ask that you please allow the citizens and workers of Guldorand to decide among themselves what we will do without commentary. Outcasts and Pirates are not welcome at Moots.

Citizens must likewise respect the voices of others and the rules of the Moot or be cast out if they are disruptive to the Moot.

The Location will be the same as always, the Logjam of Guldorand, the time will be ((Friday 25, 3 PM PDT, 6 PM PDT, 11PM BST, 10 PM GMT)).

Unlike many Moots before the subject will be singular in nature, what will Guldorand do as a community in response to the threat of doomsday?

In preparation before the Moot and to clear up exactly what we will discuss as a community I will lay out our options below.

Firstly, we leave the logging village entirely and evacuate to Brogendenstein to await the completion of the new city.

Secondly, the government of Guldorand still moves to share the new city with Myon, and there will be a middle period while we take shelter in Brogendenstein, but some will be allowed to remain in the current village of Guldorand.

Option two itself has two methods of being achieved.

Title: A Moot on Doomsday, Part II By Ezekiel Klennald, 11/11/155

Firstly, we do not slay but instead banish the Heart of the Mountain in the coming battle. Preventing the death of the mountain but also averting our destruction. This will result in the annihilation of the Sky Talker tribe, chaos in the local lands, and loss of life to our side, but total doomsday will be avoided.

Secondly, those that remain behind do so with the understanding that while the village will remain intact large changes will be undertook. Namely the lumbering operation will be shut down entirely, the Sky Talkers will govern the logging village, every tree in the Skull Crags will be protected by Law, but the village while not under our authority exactly will still be a protectorate of the Republic.

If we take up arms to fight and Banish the Heart this risks something going not to plan and the Mountain dying anyway, or things going to plan and there is much loss of life regardless. Further, Doomsday will follow us to Minmir and take its vengeance upon our people if we follow through on militant force.

If we hand the village over to the Sky Talkers their stated intention is to protect the trees and teach those that remain behind to live in balance with the land, possibly with a third party to mediate, but they will kill those that resist.

The Heart of the Mountain has also stated its intention is that those who leave the village in peace, or remain behind to live in balance with the forest, will not be pursued by it or attacked by its fey.

Regardless of what choice is made the government of Guldorand is moving to the new city and we will be taking most of our people with us, know that those who remain behind, regardless of what choice we make, will be accepting the inherent danger of staying behind. Some options merely allow us to protect our village better than others.

Title: A Moot on Doomsday, Part III By Ezekiel Klennald, 11/11/155

And also no matter what we chose there may still be other dangers to face as a community. The Viper Monastery still wishes for the destruction of the Soulhaven Monastery, the Talassians and Vampires while not being allied with the fey and Sky Talkers wish the end of our village for their own reasons and may yet attempt to press the issue on their own.

Know the intention of this government now: We wish the safety and protection of our people, we are not blind fanatics that take the option we find most comfortable in the short term and may try methods not all approve of but our priority is the safety of our people. Always.

To repeat, we are moving the government to the new city regardless of what is chosen but we are deciding as a community if we will keep the village and in what form.

The announcement is both to inform those ignorant of what has been offered to us and to announce the coming Moot time and place. Those that wish it are free to discuss it beforehand, we will also discuss it at the Moot, but it is useful to talk it out before.

Many things factor into what we chose. Morality, safety, community, trust, fear, old feuds, a chance at justice and peace, a chance at greater war. But I know Guldorand. We have never given up or given in.

For the Republic, for Guldorand.

Title: The Refuge of Guldorand By Ezekiel Klennald, 18/12/155

The Thane of the Dominion of Brogendenstein has honored his promise to take in my people and shelter us in this time of crisis.

To the people of Guldorand, we gather in Brogendenstein, civilain and adventurer. Your people are there, in the Hearthouse in the mountainside village between the Golden Halls and the docks. You will know it by our statues and flags. All citizens and workers of the old logging village are welcome and protected.

To the Shields of Guldorand, we rally with our allies and focus ourselves on their defense and the clearing of the undead of Minmir, we shall make regular patrols of our allied lands and be the guiding force of the governemnt in exile.

To the allies of our community, you know where to find us. We've food and medicine a pleanty and places to rest our heads, the dwarves are kind and generous to our people. Rather we need understanding that we are in great stress, compassion, and affirmation of support.

We will withstand this crisis and survive. We are not alone.