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#REDIRECT [[The 155 Burning of Guldorand]]
Events herein are dated middle of AR 159, written by magus Elidyr Hithlain on seventeenth day of Flamerule AR 159.
Word was received by myself that there were again Underdarkers by the portal in Minmir falls, nearest to the halls of Radiant Heart. By now this had been a common occurrence; even the previous night had known the presence of dhaeraow (drow) in the moonlit world.
I called and rallied others to battle; mostly people from Myon or those personally adjacent to its dwellers, though planetouched paladin-inquisitor named Aremis Keidos was also present. We protected ourselves with magic and arrived at the scene, whereupon we were witness to a great host of deepdwellers led by the notorious diabolist Sydney Harrow and a meagre contingent of local Helmites headed by the Watcher Emma Young.
It was not long that the Coronal Anaria brought us to fight them head-on, even though the Enemy held the high ground in cliffs surrounding the portal.
Ensuing battle was chaotic and difficult to recount; I know I brought low several deep-dwellers personally and had a hand in the felling of at least so many alongside the paladin Keidos.
It lead in what I can only call truthfully as our defeat, for the wounded forms of the Lord Fen'ar and Coronal Anaria were retrieved. We held only the remains of outcasted woman Jezebel Kingsley and a few of our own: the Watcher, and a few of her Helmite flock along with the descendant of Mach Fryar, Tymirius.
The two Myonian leaders were taken to a dock in Andunor that some call the "Treadstone," wherein they were subject to cruel tortures; Anaria's hand and wrist were split with a cruel hammer and nail. The lord Fen'ar was subject to things I can not explain the full breadth of; his wounds were deep and savage, generally magical in origin. As of this writing, he is still in recovery from his deep wounds.
The Coronal was brought back to the surface world by conjuring efforts of the author, but the Lord Fen'ar returned through the certain plan (best described by my estimation as "poorly conceived") made by one Garinox Isley, who wanted to barter for the Lord's life for the return of his library that the Lord had come into possession of. As one could predict from such audacity, the Arcanumite mage was sent back to his allies incompletely.
Now with the either of them back returned home, the Coronal calls a meeting within a few tendays of Lord Fen'ar's healing (done by efforts namely of druid Buppi with some aid from Aurlyn Hyddwr and Anarielle Tolvare).

Revision as of 19:23, 2 December 2021

Events herein are dated middle of AR 159, written by magus Elidyr Hithlain on seventeenth day of Flamerule AR 159.

Word was received by myself that there were again Underdarkers by the portal in Minmir falls, nearest to the halls of Radiant Heart. By now this had been a common occurrence; even the previous night had known the presence of dhaeraow (drow) in the moonlit world.

I called and rallied others to battle; mostly people from Myon or those personally adjacent to its dwellers, though planetouched paladin-inquisitor named Aremis Keidos was also present. We protected ourselves with magic and arrived at the scene, whereupon we were witness to a great host of deepdwellers led by the notorious diabolist Sydney Harrow and a meagre contingent of local Helmites headed by the Watcher Emma Young.

It was not long that the Coronal Anaria brought us to fight them head-on, even though the Enemy held the high ground in cliffs surrounding the portal.

Ensuing battle was chaotic and difficult to recount; I know I brought low several deep-dwellers personally and had a hand in the felling of at least so many alongside the paladin Keidos.

It lead in what I can only call truthfully as our defeat, for the wounded forms of the Lord Fen'ar and Coronal Anaria were retrieved. We held only the remains of outcasted woman Jezebel Kingsley and a few of our own: the Watcher, and a few of her Helmite flock along with the descendant of Mach Fryar, Tymirius.

The two Myonian leaders were taken to a dock in Andunor that some call the "Treadstone," wherein they were subject to cruel tortures; Anaria's hand and wrist were split with a cruel hammer and nail. The lord Fen'ar was subject to things I can not explain the full breadth of; his wounds were deep and savage, generally magical in origin. As of this writing, he is still in recovery from his deep wounds.

The Coronal was brought back to the surface world by conjuring efforts of the author, but the Lord Fen'ar returned through the certain plan (best described by my estimation as "poorly conceived") made by one Garinox Isley, who wanted to barter for the Lord's life for the return of his library that the Lord had come into possession of. As one could predict from such audacity, the Arcanumite mage was sent back to his allies incompletely.

Now with the either of them back returned home, the Coronal calls a meeting within a few tendays of Lord Fen'ar's healing (done by efforts namely of druid Buppi with some aid from Aurlyn Hyddwr and Anarielle Tolvare).