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A collection of writings and notes compiled by Garrett Kelson Day 26, Month 1 (Hammer (Deepwinter)), 161 AR

Laecca assassinated by Zhentarim agents

Personal Notes of Garrett Kelson

To close 160, bounty hunters did manage to kill Laecca. Sylvia came to Myon upset, seeking help and protection. Laecca has not been seen since. While many people take for granted the generosity of the gods to return us to finish whatever task they see us as having in life, may this be a solemn reminder that life is precious. Murder and assassination carries the intent to rob it for good, and we should carry every assault upon a person with the weight of these intentions in mind.

According to Sylvia, the attack happened at Minmir lake, the assassin was a human male Zhentarim agent named Ammanas. He wore a helmet and was shrouded in shadows, fully warded. He was a necromancer, able to summon a dracolich and utilized many death spells. He was also a very capable dispeller. And capable at sneaking. He was remarkably hard to hit, for a mage.

Ammanas told Laecca and Sylvia that the two shouldn't speak about the Zhentarim. He stood up for Adenious, and admitted to being an assassin. Another Zhentarim present was a monk who fought with katanas, who was also highly warded. The two focused on Laecca, dispelling her and knocking her down repeatedly.

Sylvia also attested that the Brandts and Zhentarim Dreadlord Adenious are close to one another.

Coronal Anaria Liamytholen returned from an elven patrol of the Minmir region shortly after Sylvia gave her account. Anaria stated the patrol felled 3 people: Zhentarim Knight-Commander Kain, Kross, and Elain Hakissa who serves the Brandts. Anaria also noted that Kross had brought undead and a Xun'viir drow into the Soulhaven Monastery, and was now trying to deny it.

Public Notice of Bounty: Laecca Vemc & Thuelorn (Brandt post)

By Emilia Brandt, Sibayad board, 20/12/160

"Let it be known the above mentioned persons did break Sibayad Law by attacking a member of House Brandt within the Garden of Respite. Both attackers claimed the "righteous cause" of killing any who would do trade with underdarkers."

"Sibayad is a Neutral town of trade open to any RACE or RELIGION per degree of the Merchant League. Threats made against the town and The Leagues laws will not be tolerated."

"As such House Brandt supports the town of Sibayad and the Merchant League by offering a 200,000 Bounty on the heads of Laecca Vemc and Thuelorn."

"In Order to collect, bring said heads to a member of House Brandt for reward. Sand and Profit."

Public Notice of Bounty: Sylvia Naern (Brandt post)

By Emilia Brandt, Sibayad board, 20/12/160

"For breaking the Laws of Sibayad by attacking in the town's public market House Brandt offers a 200,000 gold coin reward for her head."

"House Brandt would like to suggest those wishing to kill do so outside the town in order to avoid breaking merchant League Law and having bounties issued on them."

"Hunters may Collect the bounty by providing said head to a member of House Brandt. Sand and Profit"

"Public Notice: The Helping Hand to Brandt Family" By Lady Masquerade, Sibayad board, 24/6/160.

"Those who spin the web of intrigue, poisoning the untouched sands of Sibayad with their false, self-declared authority. We speak to you. We scream against the silence of those who seek shelter within these lands."

"We, Gang of Helping Hand, stand against authority in free lands. Cease your influence, do not create laws, do not declare yourself as authority."

"We wear shadows, we look at you through eyes of beggars and downtrodden. If you keep claiming these grounds, there are twelve thieves and poisoned blades that care for nothing but keeping neutrality. We copied all your intel and will interfere with your house's business if needed."

"With best regards, Lady Masquarade of Helping Hand gang."

Public Notice: Lady Masquerade from the von Brandts

By Emilia Sabine von Brandt, Sibayad board, 27/6/160. Transcribed as originally written by Emilia.

"Good evening and welcome to Sibayad, a Free Trade town that welcomes all RACES and CREEDS. But you may know this already as the Laws of Sibayad, as degreed by the Merchant League and not House Brandt, are clearly posted."

"I invite you Lady Masquerade to share whatever intel stolen. I do not mind the people learning how we have made improvements to the town by holding conference with the Merchant League. Nor do I mind if the people know events planned for the area in the future."

"I will state however, it is rather clear from your message, you in fact have no idea what you speak of. I am a fair woman though and invite you to speak with me if you so choose."

"Please however remember Sibayad Laws are not House Brandt laws but those of the league and the town. If you wish to "fight for the neutrality of the desert" please respect them as everyone else does."

"Lastly, breaking into everyone's home to steal and later fence said stolen items to Nobles in Cordor does not make one a Hero of People, but a common thief. Do not let pretty words and roses cloud your mind otherwise."

Public Notice: Non-Aggression Treaty - Von Brandts (Cordor)

By Chancellor Elspeth Derlson, Cordor board, 19/9/160

"Fellow Cordorians, citizens and visitors,"

"in the interest of the high aspiration of peace and to avoid that those of innocent blood remain caught in between a conflict they have no knowledge of or investment in, the City of Cordor has established what follows with House Von Brandt."

"FIRST - That no violence will be enacted from Cordorians or Von Brandts (retainers included) on each other in the cities of Cordor and Sibayad, save for self defence. To provoke the instance of self defence will considered akin to provoking violence."

"SECOND - That no violence will be enacted from Cordorians or Von Brandts (retainers included) on each other in the lands geographically identified by the definition of Accord Lands, save for self defence. To provoke the instance of self defence will be considered akin to provoking violence."

"THIRD - That no act of Animation or Fiendish Summoning will be enacted on the lands geographically identified by the definition of Accord Lands."

"In consideration of this, let it be known that the Ladies of House Von Brandt maintain the status of Pariah in Cordor, but the inheritance of the status is removed from their direct descendants. Retainers and associates of House Von Brandt are no longer Persona-Non-Grata."

"To make sure that respect of the treaty, signed in good faith, is maintained, each violation will be investigated upon by a Cordorian commission with Von Brandt assistance."

"Cordor and the Von Brandts will be allowed to punish their own found guilty of violating the treaty. If a violation of the treaty is enacted with the consent of the signatory members of the factions, if good faith is not respected or if a violation goes purposefully unpunished then the treaty will be broken."

Public Notice: Citizens of Cordor (Brandt posting)

By Emilia Sabine von Brandt, Cordor board, 3/6/160

"It has come to my attention the statements being directed towards my House. Having recently received word of my trials outcome, I felt a reply was in order to ease the concerns of future travelers to Sibayad."

"Firstly, as some may not know or have forgotten, Sibayad is a Free Trade town that prides itself on Neutrality. Simply put, this means any and all races may visit for trade. While this may not sit well with Cordor policy, it is with heartfelt sadness I remind travelers Cordor's laws and ethics do not apply to Sibayad."

"Now, has enforcement of Sibayad's laws resulted in the death of travelers who, despite knowing of the law, still felt compelled to attack those they deemed "unworthy" of living within the town itself? Sadly this is true. Any who start a fight shall expect to suffer from it."

"However such attacks are often the result of outside parties attempting to enforce their own moral values on the town. To those that travel for trade, Sibayad is no more dangerous than Cordor. Just remember Sibayad laws apply to all who visit."

"In regards to how "evil" House Brandt is, I remind everyone we are a recognized Merchant House of Sibayad and thus operate under Sibayad Law and no others. While we respect Cordors verdict, we balk at the attacks aimed towards the sands. I will not fault a city for enforcing its own laws, but I will defend mine from those that would change our own through force of arms. If this makes me a villain, then I am most assuredly guilty."

"Finally, I would like to thank House Rivorndir of Cordor for their support of Sibayad commerce. Your ever constant presence and unofficially sponsored shop within our town continues to help the many other less valued settlements grow. I also thank you for attending the recent House Brandt sponsored Melee Tournament. Such a public display of friendship is welcome in these trying times."

"Let our two cities work together in peace."

Public Notice: On Lady Von Brandt's Words (Elspeth reply)

By Chancellor Elspeth Derlson, Cordor board, 3/6/160

"Fellow Cordorians, visitors and pilgrims,"

"Lady Von Brandt's recent board post contains a few wrong considerations and a few rhetorical devices designed to redirect the discourse on their House from ill considerations."

"FIRST - Sibayad's law invites monstrous creatures, that have been recently tolerated by the Von Brandts and temporarily employed by them, not to linger in the city."

"SECOND - To invite considerations onto the guilty nature of a party by expressing words in a way that invites empathetic responses on shared moral values (defence of one city's independence and laws in this case) is a contextually poorly functional rhetorical device."

Poorly functional because the individuals using them have recently threatened Cordorian Guards on Cordorian Soil and planned to ambush (and possibly murder) Cordorian Guards on Cordorian Outpost soil. This proves disrespect and 'faulting a city to enforce its laws'."

"THIRD - The Rivorndir Family abandoned any association with House Von Brandt as soon as they were proven criminals. The Rivorndir Family attended the tournament as a Sibayad event, not a House Von Brandt one. The Rivorndir Family actively fights House Von Brandt."

"To the Lady Emilia Sabine Von Brandt: you have recently asked me to negotiate for the future of our relations. If you wish to have a possibility of our relations not leading to the removal of your House from Arelith, you will refrain from antagonizing Cordor, its citizens or its nobility. You will silence your lies, you will withdraw your assaults and you will bow your head."

"Were this not to happen, we will end you."

Public Notice: To Lady Elspeth of House Derlson (Brandt reply)

By Emilia Sabine von Brandt, Cordor board, 7/6/160

"After reading your reply, it has become clear our two parties are working under misunderstandings and false information."

"From my view, it is clear, some third party works to bring our two great cities against each other for their personal gain. I can think of no other reason for your Noble, Just, and Righteous position of Chancellor to be provided such incorrect information. As a simple Merchant House who has respected Cordor laws, I have never raised a hand in violence to this city. Even the House Rivorndir which you state works against me, a fact unknown until now, has never felt violence from any of my House."

"We can not let this continue, Lady Elspeth. As a small Merchant House I have never had the desire to start a conflict with a much larger City State. To do so would be insanity. As such I bow my head to your superior strength, coffers, and stewardship."

"For the peace we both crave, let us hold a meeting as mentioned before between myself and your Ladyship. Free from any of those that would see a one sided war start for their own personal gain."

"On my name and title I promise to address each issue, complaint, or vile rumor you bring to the table. In return I shall request what I have always requested. Peace for Sibayad so my family may focus on our true trade of commerce."

"Please send word and I will gladly speak on the matter of location, date, and those allowed to attend. I look forward to your reply."

Public Notice: To house Rivorndir (Brandt reply)

Emilia Sabine von Brandt, Cordor board, 7/6/160

"As it has been made known publicly you work against House Brandt, and side with Cordor in stance against the laws of Sibayad's Free Trade, I would like to offer your agent in the market a fair sum to purchase her shop. As we have spoken before, she will not sell without your approval. With the state of current affairs, one might feel your House's presence in a town that allows underdarkers, pirates, and slaves would only work againist your Noble image and that of Cordor."

"If interested, please have your girl find me. I will pay 1.4 Million for the shop."

"Thank you."

Public Notice: 200,000 Bounty on Laecca Vemc

By Emelina Sabine von Brandt, Sibayad board, 6/5/160

"For breaking the laws of Sibayad, by attacking a traveler in town under the guise of offering trade and threatening the peaceful commerce, House Brandt offers a 200,000 bounty for the head of this Myon agent."

"Hunters be warned she is skilled with the bow and fast on her feet."

"To collect bring her head to House Brandt."

Laecca's account of what led to a bounty on her

Personal Notes of Garrett Kelson

It began due to the bounty put on elves by Bella and Garinox Isley. Laecca ran into the two in Sibayad, on the roof of the Garden of Respite. Laecca began talking to Garinox, he talked about his intentions with elves and said "He may be the bad guy, but he's not the villain."

Garinox wanted Laecca to spread those words around. Instead, being an elf and a target for the bounty, Laecca shot an arrow through his neck. His wife Bella escaped in the nearby portal, alerting the Brandt family about the issue. The next day, Laecca came to Sibayad. The warlock Gawain saw her, and wordlessly summoned a pit fiend and began to shoot hellfire at her. Laecca defended herself, shooting an arrow through his neck as well.

Laecca decided to contact the Brandts about this and find out what's going on, so she sent a Speedy Messenger to Emilia that Gawain has an update at the Garden of Respite. Emilia, Florence, and Andrea showed up at the Garden, all warded for a fight, likely suspecting something was suspicious about the message.

Emilia asked why Laecca attacked Garinox.

Laecca explained her reasons, and asked about Gawain.

Emilia said "We didn't want him to kill you or anything. We asked him to bring you to us. I guess he got carried away."

Emilia then said "We can put this whole mess behind us if you pay us one hundred thousand coins. If you don't, we're going to execute you."

Public Notice: Laecca Vemc Bounty Rescinded

By Emilia Sabine von Brandt, Sibayad board, 16/5/160

"After council with agent Vemc's sponsor within the Church of Shevarash an accord was reached on the understanding of Sibayad's Neutrality."

"The Church of Shevarash shall respect the Neutrality of Sibayad's Market. In exchange House Brandt recalls the currently unclaimed bounty on Laecca Vemc."

"Further questions or concerns can be brought to Lady Emilia Sabine von Brandt."

Public Notice: Myon - Declaration of Intent (Regarding Sibayad)

By Anaria Liamytholen, Sibayad board, 1/6/160

"For too long now have beasts been allowed to roam upon the sands. Like an insidious plague, the weak and complacent of Sibayad have allowed creatures of Andunor to fester and thrive."

"Gnoll, kobold, drow, minotaur, imp. This list is not exhaustive, but it is already too long. These animals have decided to make Myon their enemy, and have also decided to make Sibayad a base of their surface operations. For this, Myon's ire has been drawn."

"Myon shall not suffer the presence of any monster anywhere, and shall henceforth be routinely coming to Sibayad until their presence has abated. It is bad enough to permit monsters in the name of trade, but to offer this same succor to those who attempt to terrorize the surface lands is unforgivable. Those that stand with the beasts in the name of peace only show their foul colors."

"These creatures will not and do not need to be tolerated. Stay out of our way and the problem will be removed for you, or feel emboldened by us and join in the cause against it."

Public Notice: Reminder to Myon (Brandt posting)

By Emilia Sabine von Brandt, Sibayad board, 12/6/160

"While we of House Brandt wish you luck in your hunts upon the sands, we do remind you of the Merchant League's law concerning the town proper. These Laws are clearly posted for all to see."

"Disregard the Merchant League at your own peril."

"To any who witness or suffer from the breaking of Sibayad Law by Myon warbands, please report the details to House Brandt. We will gladly cover the 50,000 processing fee for each violation committed by these bloodthirsty hooligans."

Public Notice: Notice of Criminal Activity in Sibayad

By Pepper Crow (Sibayad Guard Militia Commander), Sibayad Board, 23/6/160

"The following is a notice of criminal acts committed in Sibayad according to the laws of the Merchant League. On the 19th day of the 6th month of the year 160 the following persons:"

"The Coronal of Myon and three unknown elves in his warband." "John formerly of the order of the stranger." "Buppi the hin." "Laecca Venc (Repeated criminal and known liar)"

"Brought violence to the streets of Sibayad. Entering into Sibayad planning on committing violence and enacting it in cold blood against peaceful traders."

"Peaceful citizens and traveling traders are advised to treat these violent people with caution."

GARRET KELSON PERSONAL NOTE: Due to missing details, I interviewed the accused members for their account, where they explain the victim is a prolific minotaur pirate. See the Elven account for further details.

Elven accounts regarding "Criminal activity" notice

Personal Notes of Garrett Kelson

I interviewed Laecca, John, and Seradria who was also present (but not named in the Brandt Militia notice). The incident involves Arshh the minotaur. He was stalking the portal outside Sibayad. Laecca entered town to warn others, the minotaur entered town not long after. Laecca stayed back and watched, having an agreement with the Brandts that she would not participate in violence within the town in exchange for a lift on her bounty.

Anaria, Seradria, Seliya, John, and Buppi approached Arshh and asked why it was in Sibayad.

Arshh said he has every right to be in Sibayad, he has been there plenty of times before. He is even Sibayad's arena champion. And, he is a pirate of Sencliff.

Brandt Militia member Denny Walvish stepped up and drew his weapons, ready to defend Arshh. The elven group attacked Arshh, who fled town towards the portal. Seradria chased after him, but he escaped. With Arshh gone, the elves backed off from attacking Denny.

It is worth noting Arshh the minotaur is very active in piracy. John said his friends Konstantin and the late Tug had been assaulted and captured by the minotaur in prior encounters.

The Brandt Sibayad Tournament 1 - Pre-tournament

Personal Notes of Garrett Kelson

The tournament was crowded, attended by pirates, monstrous creatures, denizens of the underdark, Sibayad warlocks, barbarians living on the fringe of society, and Cordorian nobility, and a member of government. Specifically, three members of the Rivorndir family, Aaralyn of Cordor's government who testified against the Brandts in a pariah hearing a tenday prior, and associates such as a woman of the Lilting Lotus and Agnith.

The crowd mingled as the tournament was organized. A minotaur was even hugging a human woman, calling her "love."

Before the tournament matches began, a beast fight was prepared. The warlock Gawain summoned a pit fiend. Barbara Thunderfoot teamed up with Viclamin Fourheart to fight it, the fiend defeating them both. Skullgrin Bonesnapper wanted to fight the fiend next, disgusted at the two others falling to it. He defeated the fiend with ease.

The Brandt Sibayad Tournament 2 - Matches/crowd behavior

Personal Notes of Garrett Kelson

The actual fights began, and the Brandts opened up betting on contenders, and a Brandt slave moved to the ring to act as a referee. The first match was between Tomir of Sibayad and Daeros. Tomir had plenty of cheers from the crowd, however fell quickly to Daeros. A Rivorndir scoffed that he expected more out of Tomir.

The second match was between Skullgrin and pirate Byrin. Byrin began to prepare to fight before it began, the referee and crowd cried out asking him what he was doing. Agnith of Cordor replied with "You expects pirates, underdark creatures, slavers, and associated evils to follow rules?"

The fight began. Skullgrin won fairly quickly, but not before Byrin laid severe injuries onto him.

Next up was Viclamin Fourheart versus Durk Rotgun. Durk flattened him very quickly and spat on his corpse. The crowd laughed and murmured about Viclamin embarrassing himself.

The Sencliff minotaur Arshh was called forward to fight. A pirate standing next to the Rivorndir began to chant his name, cheering for him. Skullgrin entered the ring to face him, and proposed the two make the fight special, stating both of them were the best fighters here. Skullgrin proposed the best out of three, one round being with fists. Arshh said he wasn't a boxer, and the two began to fight. Arshh defeated Skullgrin without even taking a single injury. And Daeros began to cry out to fight Skullgrin, angry that Skullgrin considered himself the better fighter. The two argued and insulted one another for a while, before the tournament organizer Elain Hakissa finally got them to leave the field. Daeros told Skullgrin, they would fight later to settle it.

Next up were Daeros and Durk. Unfortunately I left at this point, a meeting had started elsewhere that I wanted to attend.

Public Notice: House von Brandt - Pariah

Cordor Board, by Elspeth Derlson. 15/4/160.

"Fellow Cordorians, visitors and pilgrims, with this one, I inform you all that House Von Brandt has been found guilty of the following crimes:"

"Animation." "Commerce of illicit goods." "Consorting with Devils." "Consorting with Underdarkers." "Consorting with Monsters." "Slavery." "Breach of trade contract." "Breach of Cordorian trust."

"For these crimes, the Ladies of the Noble House Emilia Sabine von Brandt, Andrea von Brandt and Talia Steel von Brandt are hereby named Pariah. This status is forever applied to them and they may not appeal to remove it. The status of Pariah, albeit not with the impossibility of removal and appeal, will be applied to their heirs (whether adopted or natural) in their following three generations."[