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Exile Order: Kathele Se'Lhane

For the brutal assault of the defenceless Minister Mesmer, who at the time was attempting to dissolve the situation peacefully, Kathele Se'Lhane is hereby banished from Wharftown. Arriving fully warded with the express intent to do serious harm, she unleashed several spells in the street, despite civilian presence. A child was seen fleeing from the scene, and Minister Mesmer was left in a stupor, narrowly surviving the assault.

Among the spells abused were a spell that created a torrent of negative energy, that does not discriminate friend from foe, and a mass slow spell. Such actions cannot be tolerated in a civilian port. As such, she is banished from Wharftown as of this notice. Should evidence be required, the Militiaman stationed on the balcony and Minister Kalasin were the official witnesses.

~ Regards, Ayin Mesmer