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One of the largest battles in Wharftown's history, and one that ended with its successful defense, the Wharftown Clash occured after Archmage of the Tower, an Infernalist Tiefling by the name of Hound, was captured by Sando Saikoro, captain of the Sea Leopard and associate of Wharftown.

Valden Stormbright, Infernalist Priest and a member of the Arcane Tower led an attack force consisting of Tower mages and Cordorians (most of them Infernalists as well, others unaware of the true reasons behind this), to take Wharftown and get revenge on Sando. Eventually though, Lillia Aylows, then Queen of the Abyss and the trusted First Knight Lady Nelyata Wennarnes came to aid Wharftown and successfully defended it against the whole attacking force. A great number of Infernalists were slain that day.