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Braidstone Temple Prayers

To Gorann, with love.


The Soul Forger The All Father

Creator of kin, forger of souls, we honor you in our daily work. We honor you in our oaths, our perseverance, our dedication and our craftsmanship. Meld us into creations of your liking, so that we may please you.

Remind us to be tolerant as well as obedient. Lay our paths before us so that we may walk in your wisdom, your stone. And as we pass into your halls, rebind us again, in your eternal forge, so that we may continue to please you. May we always honor you, All Father, in stone and iron.

Berronar Truesilver

Our Reverend Mother Matron of Home and Hearth

Keep us Safe and True

Wife of our All Father, Mother of the home, we pray for guidance in our marriages, oaths, families and clan records. Help us remember to honor our kinsmen and keep us faithful along all paths in our lives.

We give thanks for your Thunder Blessing and ask you to aid us in keeping our hearths warm.

Haela Brightaxe

Lady of the Fray Luckmaiden

Praise you for aiding our kin in battle and in exploration. We thank you for teaching us about our enemies, and keeping us vigilant against all dangers, from above, and below.

Gracious is your heart as you strengthen our morale, both in battle, and in celebration. We raise our tankards to you, Great Lady, as we embrace your wit and teachings.

Clanggedin Silverbeard

Lord of the Twin Axes Our Father of Battle

May your many titles; Giantkiller, Goblinbane And Wyrmslayer be whispered in all the deep places of the earth. May your spirit enshroud every mountain chain!

May our kinsmen portray your might in battle and Dwarven bravery glorify your name! Before our foes, may we embody your power! The Rock of War! Axes High!


Our Lady of Life and Mercy

Bless us with fertile crops and homes so that we may send our kinsmen to all corners of this world.

Help us to be merciful to our kin in need and embrace celebration, courtship and love. Help us to remember to put aside our work and make time for joy, song and dance. Remind us of our youth, even in our silver years, and aid us in teaching the young the importance of romantic partnership. Remind us to surface often and enjoy your moon.

Grom Gulthyn

Lord of the Bronze Mask The Eternally Vigilant

May our enemies never breach our halls and holds while you guard us true. Our gates are blessed with your vigilance and our kin kept safe under your gaze.

May the dark ones shake in fear from you and fall in your cleverness surrounding our halls. Your torch will always shine bright as is our honor to your watchful eyes. Long live our Lord Fire Eyes!

Dugmaren Brightmantle

The Gleam in the Eye Our Wandering Tinker

May we always remember you upon new discoveries and inventions. Your cleverness and knowledge quests bless us in war and everyday life. Your pilgrimages and ambition further the dwarven nation's frontier.

Axes high to our Great Explorer.

Marthammor Duin

Finder of Trails, the Watchful Eye The Wanderer

We praise you for keeping our wandering kinsmen safe and warm. We give thanks for your explorations and good nature toward other races, helping us to learn of other cultures. We praise you for your warning lightning, rock falls and for your creation of new trails for the dwarven nation.


Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain Our Mountain Shield

Watch over us as we mine and discover the beauties of your earth. Keep us mindful to use caution and craft well and not dwell on hoards of our precious stones and ores. With you at guard of our eternal peace, may we rest well in the afterlife. May we never take more than your beard can supply.


The Laughing Dwarf The Merchant King The Short Father

Praise you for teaching us to be wise in our transactions, Embracing cleverness and good trade. Thank you for teaching us to embrace good fortune while shunning greed.

We thank you for your poems, your song and your wise twinkling eye, ever ready to teach us better tradeskills. May we honor you by always benefiting from our transactions.