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The Journey Thus Far.... sitting in a room in the Tower of Sorcere the Zhaunin Zar Zek leans over his grimoire as he transscribes the new scroll into his spellbook. He dips the quill into the fresh vial of blood and slowly draws the symbols of the spell he has just purchased (a cold smile touches his lips as it is a spell he has long sought after in his quest for power in Sorcere)... He thinks back to a few days prior when he traveled with his longtime companion Ja'k on his test to becoming a Draada. During this time he saw what skills it would take to lead a patrol and what orders would lead to victory in the choas of battle over the enemy... the smile widens as he remembers the swing that took the gnome leaders head and the resulting victory that lead to the rise of Ja'k to Draada.

It was then that I knew that Ja'k would serve me well in my Quest for power and the obtaining of the rank of M'elzar...

Setting the quill down as the new spell is complete Zar Zek tilts his head as he hears someone at the door to his studies... he moves to the door after casting a minor spell of armor and sees it is a fellow student of Sorcere, with summons to join a patrol.

Gathered at the City's main Gates I discuss with the Draada the mission and inform him of what must happen... (Ii require the head of the sea mother, Ja'k, we will travel thru many caverns you will lead .. I wish to not encounter much on the way so seek no encounters... Ja'k nods in response). Looking around at the group gathered I see all the supplies have been gathered and each member has enough.

Making way we went further into the underdark to a place inhabited by the Fallen of Lolth where we encounter several of these fallen and proceed to dispatch them quickly again Lolth guides us it seems to do her will....making camp we discuss each persons role in the upcoming encounters the Draada informs his student Zenaru on formations and I inform my student Keran'thon his duties and what spells would serve us best.. passing thru hidden ways we enter a submerged carvern where travel is slow and ambushes are certain to take place. We spread out but remain in sight of each member.. I called forth a slave and bound it with a magical collar enhancing it some what... I feel certain Lolth's Favor of little encounters will change...

We have passed thru the submerged caverns with several encounters against lizardmen and serveral Large ( Bigger than Ten Rothe put Togther) subterranean lizards each one we quickly surrounded and killed so that no alarms could be sent before us to rally a stronger defense. Resting we make a quick camp in a defensible spot posting a watch we again go over are plan of attack.. I suggest the use of traps and spells at the doorways to thin out there ranks and not allow them an advantage of numbers and such .. the Draada agrees. We speak on the knowledge each has on the Koa Toa and inform are students to be wary of their power. Choosing spells from my Grimoire I glance at the one I have newly written and I decide to commit it to memory for I sense some how it will be needed.

We have enterd the Kua Toa Temple. Upon entering I sense powerful magic and quickly locate its source even though my Mentor is not aiding us I seek her wisdom out on this matter and draw her attention to the portal. I have my student Keran'th draw the symbols and glyphs of the portal and my mentor informs me that Sorcere must be informed of this. I ask if we are to return or proceed she says nothing as the Quest is mine to lead... sensing this I press on for failure on completing this is death.... we have encounterd many Koa Toa with claws as weapons backed by priests that cast dispels and flanked by warriors seems they have found us and have learned of our drow intrusion we continue to press onward even tho they ready their defenses ahead of us.

We have encountered many Kua Toa in each room we enter inside the Temple each group has deadly priests that dispel are enchantments and are guarded by warriors we are engaged by warriors that attack us with claws for weapons it seems that our innate darkness works bweal against them and allows us to kill them with much success as we continue to press on ward toward their Holy Chamber.

We are at the Door to their Main Room; we are low on spells and decide it best to cloak ourselves in invisibility and hasten our movements. After all is ready we enter the room, the Sea Mother is surrounded by loyal guards and priests so we cast our darkness and engage them. I sneak around and while she is looking elsewhere I cast my spell of Hold Monster and grin as she is unable to move as her Head is cleaved from her shoulders. I stride over and grab her head by the hair and shout in triumph smiling as we loot the Temple and leave swiftly so the Koa Toa cannot prepare defenses against our leaving.