
The Weatherstone has long been a powerful druidic landmark. Its origins differ, from the first foundlings of the isle to the Sky Druids who once made the area its home. Its power has allowed complete control over the weather, allowing calm skies or unleashed storms.

In one moment of history, a primordial elemental of air and water was sealed beneath the stone. But constant twisted manipulations by users pushed the Weatherstone into the edge, until one day, the Weatherstone became unstable, and caused chaotic, changing weather across the island, while the elemental’s seal began to decay, threatening to unleash the destructive being upon the island.

Floods covered much Arelith.

From scorching heat to rising floods to snow packed storms, settlements suffered a battering of pounding weather that killed crops and caused starving animals to navigate towards farmlands. Aurilites teamed with their allies of faith, eager to see if it could be tampered further to keep the isle blanketed in long winter like it had almost a century ago.

Arelith’s inhabitants worked together to bring the Weatherstone back to stability, collecting several relics that could help restore the Weatherstone while enduring harsh weather, infighting, and loss of life. They ran into many past and familiar faces, who all provided their own assistance, for a price.

Just when the weather was at its worst, the adventurers would finally gather all the necessary components for the ritual and stabilized the Weatherstone. However, at the last moment, Arelith’s adventurers decided to free the primordial elemental to deal with the threat here and now rather than a problem for their descendants.

Players gather at the Weatherstone

Four enormous legs stretched out across the island, forcing adventurers to contend with perhaps one of their greatest threats. With a final showdown at World’s End, the primordial elemental finally fell to rot.
Despite victory, the cost was high to land and economy, and settlements even now contend with the damage done to crops and buildings.

The road to recovery for some places will be a long one.